The Future of AI Chips Might Not Be GPU

The Future of AI Chips Might Not Be GPU

In the layout of AI computing architectures, the model of CPUs working in collaboration with accelerator chips has become a typical AI deployment solution. CPUs act as providers of basic computing power, while accelerator chips are responsible for enhancing computational performance, aiding in the efficient execution of algorithms. Common AI accelerator chips can be categorized into three main types based on their technological paths: GPU, FPGA, and ASIC.In this competition, GPUs have emerged as...


The Pitfall of WebSocket Disconnections Caused by Browser Power-Saving Mechanisms

 sonic0002    850  0

PrefaceRecently, while using WebSocket (WS) connections, we encountered frequent disconnection issues, occurring hundreds of times per day for a single user. Although using the auto-reconnect feature of allowed us to quickly restore connections after disconnections, it did not guarantee that every reconnection would successfully receive WS messages. Therefore, we conducted several investigations and tests.Ultimately, we identified the root cause of the issue: the browser's power-saving...

The Problem with Random Numbers

 sonic0002    116  0

Today, let's talk about how to generate true random numbers. This is an extremely difficult problem, but it involves some very interesting content.First of all, the random numbers provided by programming languages are pseudo-random numbers. The V8 engine’s official website has an article that particularly reminds everyone of this point. The built-in random numbers are not true random numbers but pseudo-random numbers.Math.random() returns a Number value with positi...

12 Eye-Popping Presentation Ideas That Will Keep Everyone Awake

 sonic0002    129  0

Photo credit: FreepikEngaging an audience during a presentation is a challenge every speaker faces. The key to a successful presentation is not just delivering information but doing it in a way that captivates and keeps the audience interested throughout. Here are 12 creative and eye-popping ideas that will ensure your audience stays awake, attentive, and inspired.Start With a ShockBegin your presentation with a surprising fact, shocking image, or a provocative question. This creates immediate e...

The Most Popular Car Color

 sonic0002    1,031  0

Is there a most popular color among humans as a group?While the answer to this question depends on the definition of "most popular," there is an objective way to consider it: by looking at what color of cars sells the best.The color that has the highest sales in the car market indicates the public's strong preference for that color. Last week, a U.S. automotive website released the ranking of colors for all new cars sold in the U.S. in 2023.The result showed that shades of gray are the most popu...

Exploring Open edX: A Global Platform for Online Education

 sonic0002    654  0

Understanding Open edXThe digital education sector has seen a rise in platforms that enhance global learning access. Open edX, in particular, has made a significant mark with its comprehensive and robust features. Companies like Raccoon Gang offer specialized open edX services to further enhance this platform's capabilities. This article delves into the essence of Open edX, highlighting its key components and global appeal.Open edX Core FeaturesCourse Authoring: User-friendly tools for course de...

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What does your personal desk look like?

As a programmer, what does your personal desk look like? How many monitors do you have? Does it look like that in The Matrix?

Happy Chinese New Year for those who celebrate it

How much time do you code every day?

As a developer, the major work daily is normally coding and debugging. However, nowadays it's pretty challenge for the developer to invest much time on coding every day as there are lots of other things distracting us like meetings, emails etc. How much time do you spend on coding daily? What are the distractions you have in your daily work?
RESPONSES FROM travisjohnson 

What lies would programmers like to tell?

Frequently programmers like to say this should work, this is not a bug but a feature. These all sound like a lie. Do you know what other lies programmers like to tell?
RESPONSES FROM frankhall9 

Is GoLang being used in more and more startups?

There seems a trend that more and more startups start to use GoLang as their main BE programming languages with the obvious advantage of high concurrency support and bunch of other features. Is this happening to your company as well? Why do you like and dislike GoLang?

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Cybertruck after many years

Cybertruck after many years

By sonic0002 at 2024-05-31 21:46:17