Article Post Help

Why us?

Want to write technical articles? Want to let your articles have maximum exposure? Want to let people discuss about your article in a complete new way? Write and post to us. We can help you on all of these.

Why this?

We are familiar with the way we read an online article,right? After reading it, we may close the webpage or comment the webpage by scrolling to the end of the webpage and writing our comments. Why can't we do it another way? Instead of commenting the whole article, we should be able to comment at some specified locations. We should be able to highlight part of the webpage like in PDF. We should be able to save it and read it later. We should be able to share the version we edited and saved to other people. So this is why we build this.

How it works

We are endeavor to present best resource to our readers. So we will have an article review system to review articles posted by you as authors, after you write your article and post it to us, we will review the contents and if they conform to our article content guidelines, we can push it to the published article list and it will then be available to be read by our readers from all around the world. We don't guarantee your article will be published all the time, but we will be serious about each article you post. If your article is good enough, it will get the chance to be on the headline.

The story continues. After your article is published, other readers can read, comment and share it. Beyond these, one most important thing they can do on your article is that they can create and save an independent version of your article(just like Git), then they can edit on that version just like editing a PDF file. Readers can highlight some portion of the article and add tags where they want. The good thing is they no need a WYSiWYG editor, they can edit on the article itself. This provides a complete new way for readers interacting with your article. It's cool and interesting, right?

By doing so, you can let your articles have maximum exposure. You can also manage your articles conveniently on your admin page.

Join us

So join us and start writing on our platform. You can register here if not yet. Or you can login here. You can also send your article to us via email : info at