World leaders who know how to code

World leaders are those people who have extraordinary speaking skills and are a group of very busy people in most people's impression. But among them, there are a few who know how to program as well. Today we are going to summarize some of them.Lee Hsien Loong -- Singapore Prime MinisterLee Hsien Loong, Singapore Prime Minister posted a C++ program about Sudoku which he wrote several years ago. He shared the source code on Google Drive as well. In 1971, Mr. Lee studied Mathematics at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. He was Senior Wrangler in 197...


  Early homepages of some famous websites

Are you curious about what are their early homepages like for some famous IT companies? Let's take a look at them now.1. GoogleThis page was relative concise at that time. The current Google homepage is more concise.2. FacebookIt went online on 4th Feb, 2004. This was its homepage in 20043. YouTubeIt went online on 15th Feb, 2005. Until 22nd April, the first video clip was uploaded.4. WikipediaIt emphasizes on free content and collaborative editing. It also supports many languages.5. YahooIt was created in January 1994.6. TwitterIt was called twttr at first. 7. BloggerIt's acquired by Goo...


  6 Astounding Joomla Templates That Support EasyBlog

No doubt, blogging offers a fabulous platform where one can express his emotions, and share his views with others over the Internet. It can also help you leverage your business, as you can publish suitable blogs to efficiently promote your products and services. Moreover, one can also use blogs to exhibit his online portfolio and thus, benefit his business. Today, there are several blogging platforms that offer a brilliant blogging experience. However, Joomla makes a superior choice among all the available options. There are several factors, including a list of its incredible extensions a...


  Tribute to Java On Successful Completion Of 20 Years

There is a great news for fans of Java that this week Java have completed its 20 years of success and that’s why it is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Java is a language which show legacy with the piece of technology and this is virtually important as the powerful programming methods and related machines are JVM (java virtual machine). SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF NEW VERSIONSJava developers are specially celebrating their event due to the huge success of their language and they get success and fame just because of Java development. Various new versions are launched successfully and get so muc...


  Cross platform portable class libraries and .net

What’s that happy little feature developers are admiring? Oh that’s Portable class libraries that have been chugging along, during their thing and delivering to the point results wherever used by developers.If a developer is not writing .net applications for multiple targets, then he likely hasn’t bumped into these libraries. However, developers who are writing .net apps and want these apps to run on every platform from watches to tablets to desktops to the cloud, they can avail Portable Class Libraries offerings.Though, the libraries have a few technical and legal challenges...


  Be Aware of these 10 mistakes while designing Your Mobile App!

So you have finally decided to enter the world of technology and you are going to design an application for your business. The time has become when you have to give all the nitty-gitty grins a look and design your own mobile app for promoting your business online. Well when you have finally decided to design your mobile application, here are some mistakes that you are not allowed to make.Have a look: Do Not Start Designing Your App Without Wireframes Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

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  10 Technological Trends that are Affecting Life of Teachers

Technology has reached the level where people think that they do not need anybody to teach them new things. When you do not know about anything, you simply Google it and get the answer. All this is good but in actual it is affecting the life of our teachers. So, whatever conclusions these folks have who are arriving today will always influence everyone else who is working in childhood education through their high school.Let us see how they are affecting the life of the teachers:      iPad Is Not the First Tool To Revolutionize The World Of Education According to a...

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  Learn these technical skills within one day

It takes days and days reading books, practicing and involving in real project if you want to learn a programming language well. It's just like a marathon, you will get more if you can insist longer. During this long and boring period, there are always something you can learn within a short period of time, like within one day. These skills can bring your big satisfaction.Below are a list of technical skills which you can pick up within one single day, they are advocated by Jacob Jensen, a Googler.Read the freaking manual for your favorite language. In the past I've wasted hours in Python becau...

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