Disgusting programming language list

To avoid arguments among different programming languages, this ranking only covers the opinions from programmers with multi-language experience. Also it doesn't mean the language is not good if the language is on the list, it just means those developers don't like some features of the language.Below ranking is summarized from Quora、Stack Overflow and Hacker News.10. PythonReason : It uses code indent to define block level scope, why not use curly braces? It also uses massive colons and underscores.How to avoid : Don't work at Google, Yahoo or NASA9. LabVIEWLabVIEW was invented by NI, it'...


  Computer skills one can learn within one day

Computer related technical skills are usually thought as complicated and difficult to understand. It's very difficult for one to get hands on one skill or master one skill. But if you really do want to learn something useful within one day, there are some good choices which will not take too long to get to know and use..Version control:- Git, GitHub and SVNRegular expressionsAWKsedGrepLearn how to do things with Vim that you never knew could be done.Set up a crawler that can scrape some webpages and parse some basic data.Set up a bigger crawler that has to fill out a form or two.Program a basi...


  Female friendly programming languages

Women are minorities among programmers. It seems programming languages are created for males, either. They are full of maths and weird jargon. Are there programming languages which are female friendly? What kind of programming languages can be considered as female friendly? Gayle Laakmann McDowel shared her views on which are female friendly programming languages. Women are 87.3% more likely to prefer languages like Ruby and Perl, because they remind us of shiny objects. All women love shiny objects.Smalltalk is another favorite language. Women love to gossip.Languages like C++ and C# are scar...


  Interesting Hello World

Hello world is the beginning of everything. When you first learn a new programming language, the first program you write is to print the "Hello world" string on the console with that language. For example:So who invented "Hello world"? It's Brian Kernighan, a canadian computer scientist and author of The C Programming Language and The Unix Programming Environment. In his books, he used to write "Hello world" which changed the whole world.Also programmers like to use foo and bar as variable names, weird names.Actually, beyond programming, other fields also have "Hello world" phenomenon.For exam...


  Data as code

What is a good command line parser API? A good command line parser should consider below 5 aspects:Support convenient help information generationSupport sub commands, for example, git has push,pull,commit sub commands.Support single character option, word option, flag option and option with parameter.Support default option, for example, if no -port is set, set it as 5037Support usage model, for example, tar's -c and -x is mutually exclusive, they belong to different usage models.Here are some outstanding command line parse API.1. getopt()getopt() is the standard function of libc, we can f...

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  Concurrency vs Parallelism

Concurrency and parallelism are two related concepts which deal with executing tasks "simultaneously". From Sun's Multithreaded Programming Guide:Concurrency: A condition that exists when at least two threads are making progress. A more generalized form of parallelism that can include time-slicing as a form of virtual parallelism.Parallelism: A condition that arises when at least two threads are executing simultaneously.These two definitions are too formal to be understood easily. On the Internet, there is one image which demonstrates the difference between these two in an easy way:Much e...


  What do programmers like to say usually?

Coding is an very important part of programmer's daily work. But beyond coding, programmers need to do other work as well, they need to fix bugs reported by users, they need to write documents for their codes. Also, they often need to answer questions from customers, bosses and colleagues. What do they often say when they are facing different sort of questions? Today we share some.It's done. I just need to clean up a few things.This is hacky, but I'll fix it soon.This can never happen:It's just a one-line change so it shouldn't affect anything else. This task will be easy.Yeah, I tested it. I'...


  4 types of programmers

Not every one who writes code is a programmer. Programmers are people who live with programming. There are 4 types of programmers: scientist, coder, expert and artisan.Scientist, they are more like mathematicians rather than programmers. They invented various theories, algorithms and terminologies. Proofs and calculations in textbooks are all from these people. Moreover other programmers more or less benefit from their work. Sometimes one paper published by them can change the way of thinking of the whole industry. But they usually do not like to commercialize their theory. In contrast, they p...