Cool HTML5 matrix effect

Do you still remember the movie The Matrix? Do you still remember the cool matrix effect in that movie? How is that effect achieved? Shaun Dunne shared a piece of HTML5 code which displays a cool matrix effect. The matrix demo can be found here.Below is the code which he achieves this effect: withvar s = window.screen;var width = q.width = s.width;var height = q.height = s.height;var letters = Array(256).join(1).split('');var draw = function () { q.getContext('2d').fillStyle='rgba(0,0,0,.05)'; q.getContext('2d').fillRect(0,0,width,height); q.getContext('2d').fillStyle='#0F0';

30,300 2       HTML5 MATRIX

  HTML5 Web Worker

Web Worker is a JavaScript multithreading solution provided by HTML5. we can put some compute intensive codes into Web Worker and it will not hang the user interface.1. How to use Web WorkerWeb Worker's basic mechanism is to use Worker to load a JavaScript file to create a new thread in JavaScript's main thread. It will not block other thread's execution and will provide a data exchange interface between main thread and new thread : postMessage() and onmessage.Let's look at an example://worker.jsonmessage =function (evt){ var d =;//Get sent data with postMessage( d );//Send...


  6 amazing HTML5 animation effects

HTML5 is rapidly developed in WEB world, it puts all kinds of pressure to browser development, but at the same time it also brings us lots of unexpected page effects. If we can use some HTML5 elements on our web apps,  we may get different user experience. However, for HTML5, there are lots of places need to improved. The following HTML5 animation effects are very attractive.1. HTML5 mouseover image effectThis HTML5 animation effect can be used in photo gallery, users can preview the photo while mouseover the photo.Online Demo / Source code2. Falling leaves animation based on HTML5 W...

17,861 1       HTML5 ANIMATION

  The world's first HTML5 SIP client

This is the world's first open source HTML5 SIP client (May 12, 2012) entirely written in javascript for integration in social networks (FaceBook, Twitter, Google+), online games, e-commerce sites... No extension, plugin or gateway is needed. The media stack rely on WebRTC. The client can be used to connect to any SIP or IMS network from your preferred browser to make and receive audio/video calls and instant messages. The protocol parsers (SIP, SDP...) are highly optimized using Ragel lookup tables and is suitable for embedded systems with limited memory and low computing power.The Session De...


  Will HTML5 ever overtake native mobile apps?

Since now HTML5 has become a very hot topic. It can be used develop some highly functional and amazing applications on desktop and mobile devices. Also, there are many libraries which are using HTML5 to develop some native app like applications on iPhone and Android systems such as PhoneGap. Someone on Quora asked a question which many people are concerning about.: Will HTML5 ever overtake native mobile apps? It seems that the number of people who are agreeing with it equals to the number of people who disagreeing with it.Let's see the two most popular answers on Quora about this question.Aski...

16,941 0       MOBILE HTML5 NATIVE APP

  The header element in HTML 5

Currently HTML5 is exciting and anyone who want to builds web pages is looking forward to implementing HTML5 new tags into their sites. Definitely HTML5 tags are very rich in functions that make life much easier for both webmasters and end usersWithin the HTML5 specfication we can see that there have been a significant number of new tags added, one of these the <header> element is what we’ll be covering here. We will talk about when to use it, when not to use it.As we are used to seeing<div id=”header“>on a majority of sites that we visit, but now with ...

3,961 0       HTML5 HEADER

  How to draw pentagram in HTML5 canvas

I wrote simple function to this magical symbol I like so much:123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930<!doctype html><html><body>    <canvas id="c" width="500" height="500"></canvas>    <script> var ctx = (document.getElementById("c")).getContext("2d"); // draws rotated pentagram with or without cirlefunction pentagram( ctx, x, y, radius, rotate, circle ){    ctx.beginPath();     for ( var i = 0; i <= 4 * Math.PI; i += ( 4 * Math.PI ) / 5 ) { &nb...


  Developing Game Audio with the Web Audio API

Caution: This article discusses APIs that are not yet fully standardizedand still in flux. Be cautious when using experimental APIs in your own projects.IntroductionAudio is a huge part of what makes multimedia experiences socompelling. If you've ever tried watching a movie with the sound off,you've probably noticed this.Games are no exception! My fondest video game memories are of the musicand sound effects. Now, in many cases nearly two decades after playingmy favorites, I still can't get Koji Kondo's Zeldacompositions and Matt Uelmen's atmospheric Diablosoundtrack out of my head. The same c...