How to create offline HTML5 web apps in 5 easy steps

Among all cool new features introduced by HTML5, the possibility of caching web pages for offline use is definitely one of my favorites. Today, I’m glad to show you how you can create a page that will be available for offline browsing.Getting startedView DemoDownload files1 – Add HTML5 doctypeThe first thing to do is create a valid HTML5 document. The HTML5 doctype is easier to remember than ones used for xhtml:<!DOCTYPE html><html> ...Create a file named index.html, or get the example files from my CSS3 media queries article to use as a basis for this...


  5 tips for developing HTML5 mobile games

Previously at Creat Studios, Vivendi Games Mobile and JAMDAT, amongst others, Scott brings eighteen years of industry experience to MocoSpace. He heads the company's internal game studio.We've all witnessed the growth of mobile and social gaming over the past two years: the two genres have continued to evolve independently, while also coming together and embracing the power of HTML5.Mobile browser-based social games have found an audience and are thriving.This new gaming category draws from the strength of both web social gaming and native mobile apps, but the two do not overlap perfectly. Unl...


  HTML5 and Accessibility

Accessibility for people with disabilities is a legal responsibility in many countries. It's also the right thing to do, and one of the characteristics distinguishing professional developers from the WWWs: WYSIWYG-wielding wannabes. But for many, accessibility has been a somewhat black art, requiring adding extra stuff to your code like alt text, table summaries, ARIA information that can be difficult to test by developers who are not assistive technology users themselves.The arrival of HTML5 has further muddied the water. For some, HTML5 saves the world. For others – including many acc...


  HTML5 Can Get the Job, But Can HTML5 Do the Job?

This post is part of our ReadWriteMobile channel, which is dedicated to helping its community understand the strategic business and technical implications of developing mobile applications. This channel is sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent. As you're exploring these resources, check out this helpful resource from our sponsors: Cultivating a Developer Ecosystem: Understanding Their NeedsHTML5 is changing the way that developers create applications for the mobile Web. Yet, it is not the be all, end all of mobile development. If it was, then the whole discussion of "do I create a native app or a Web a...


  5 Must See HTML5 Sites

With the release of the iPad, HTML5 technology has recently come into the spotlight.  The format that will likely kill Adobe’s Flash is a lot of fun to use, but we’ve  not seen much of it yet.The good news is that you don’t have to wait until the iPad is in your hands to see what HTML5 can do.  If you have a compatible browser, there are already a wealth of sites that show off the capabilities.First, make sure that you have a browser that is capable of rendering HTML5 content. At the moment, Google’s Chrome is king in this department.  So for the...

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  Simple Animation in the HTML5 Canvas Element

HTML5 is generating all kinds of buzz these days. Some of the buzz is about HTML5 being a replacement for Adobe’s Flash. I don’t think it’s there yet but it’s certainly on the way to changing the way content is presented on the web. This is a description of a very simple animation in an HTML5 canvas element. It is coded for readability and not for optimized operation.We’ll add a canvas element to a web page and then use javascript to draw on it. We will redraw it all every 10 milliseconds with minor changes to create the magical illusion of animation. Using j...


  10 HTML5 Demos to Make You Forget About Flash

You’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about how Flash is a dying technology and how it’ll soon be replaced by HTML5. Personally, I think that it will slowly replace Flash for some things, but Flash will always have a place, especially for developing complex games and rich internet applications. If you’ve yet to see what HTML5 can do, I’ve rounded up 10 demos that show off some of its capabilities.So what do you think – will HTML5 replace Flash?Canvas Minimal Particle AnimationCanvasMolFlickr and Canvas in 3DCloth SimulationetchaPhysicsGoogle Images Gift B...

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