Life in Apple design team

While in mentioning about Apple, everyone of us will think of the amazing products shipped out by Apple such as iPhone and iPad. We are all impressed by its smooth design and handy user experience. But as a outsider do you know the story behind the amazing design of Apple? Apple has a team of world class designers and they are leading the fashion of design. What's the life in Apple's design team?Ben Williamson from Apple shared one story of him which can give us some hints on what the life is like in Apple's design team. The life there is cool but it also put stringent requirement on the desig...


  Cool things you can do with iPhone

Nowadays smart phones have plenty of cool features you can get to know without reading the manuals. But do you know there are some useful but less well known features which can ease our life? In this post, we will share with you some cool features on iPhone. If you have an iPhone with, go and get a try.1. Use Google Map as free GPSWhile traveling abroad, you can use Google Maps as a free GPS without an international data plan by making use of it's hidden offline maps feature.You can use this feature by simply zooming to a map area you want offline in the maps app and typing "ok maps" into the ...

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  Will the next generation of iPhone be launched on September 10?

According to AllThingsD, Apple might launch its next generation of iPhone on September 10.There is no detailed information about this new iPhone yet, it's also unknown whether it's a cheap one or other kind of versions. But it will equip with iOS 7 and Apple may launch the next generation of Mac OS--Maverick in next few weeks.Since Apple acquired finger print recognition manufacturer AuthenTec with $356 million and it also applied the finger print unlock patent, so the next generation iPhone may come with finger print recognition function....

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  10 cool iOS app websites

No matter how big the iOS 7 design change is or no matter how unhappy you you fee about iOS 7, you cannot deny that iPhone is still the best phone on earth and App Store is the best software eco-system.There are lots of excellent apps on iOS, the overall quality of apps on iOS are better than other platforms. Some apps are also only available on iOS. These apps may also have excellent websites to promote. Now let take a look at some cool app websites.Currency Converter AppTriplAgent Pica Pica Hy app Sipp 2 Foursquare StatNut App Over iTrackMyTime APP Gre...


  Sundar Pichai : Excited to try out iOS 7

Google Android business executives Sundar Pichai said on Twitter that he was excited to try out iOS7 beta and he would like to register as a Apple developer in order to experience iOS 7 early.The real reason why Sundar Pichai expresses interest on iOS 7 is not yet known, but at least "Know thyself, ever-victorious" is correct. Because as a person who is in charge of Android, he should grasp the status of competitors in order to know what the Android system can improve.However, Apple's iOS 7 application icon design received a lot of negative comments. Maybe Sundar Pichai will be happy about thi...


  What does a Bing driven Siri mean to Google?

On Tuesday, Apple announced that Bing would become the default search engine of the upcoming iOS 7. This is another Google service kicked out by Apple after Youtube and Google Maps.For Siri: if the default system of Siri can not answer your question, it will try to search the Internet. Currently, Siri connects to the Safari browser by default, and Safari's primary search engine is Google (Can change to Yahoo or Bing). But in iOS 7, Siri's default search engine will be replaced by Bing. Siri will use Microsoft's search index to answer the questions it can not answer itself, and it will not ask ...

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  Pandora's killer--iTunes Radio

As expected, this year's WWDC may make many people happy, but also doomed to make many start-up companies sleepless. iTunes Radio is such a product creates insomnia. In WWDC, iTunes Radio was released on schedule and it becomes Apple's new music service.iTunes Radio is a music stream service which can learn your taste, it can recommend your music based on what you heard and you're listening to. From the conference we can see this new service can access the entire iTunes catalog, i.e, there will be 26 million tracks included. iTunes Radio is described as a new place to discover music. In additi...


  The biggest change ever of iOS--iOS 7

In this year's WWDC, Apple unveils its new iOS--iOS 7. The new iOS has the most significant change since it first came to the public. But many people may be disappointed about this. I am not one of them.In WWDC, Tim Cook said iOS 7 is more flatter than before and it has a completely new user interface design, new slide to unlock feature, official share and weather apps are redesigned. The weather apple now has almost the same feature as the newly updated Yahoo weather application.Ive said the new iOS has new brand new color palette, the whole interface has a translucent jelly color.The fo...

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