Reasons to use blue in design

Blue color is used in many product designs and logo designs such as Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and our site. Why do companies choose blue color in their design? It's not a coincidence for them to choose blue. One saying is the color blue is associated with trust, efficiency, clarity and simplicity. Beside this reason, are there other reasons?From an interface design standpoint, blue is an incredibly useful color. Among the dark colors designers have in their toolbox, red, orange and green already have strong built-in associations such as error, caution/safety, success. Brown is generally too...

7,725 0       DESIGN BLUE

  Where are the top 100,000 most visited websites hosted?

Do you know where are the websites you visit every day hosted online? There are more and more websites hosted on cloud server now as the stability, scalability and cost effective features of cloud. Recently hostcabi released an infographic which shows some statistics about the top 100,000 most visited websites(according to Alexa).The top 100,000 most visited websites have spread their hosting over 6 continents, 102 countries, 621 cities and 1,024 hosting providers SoftLayer(IBM), AWS, GoDaddy and HostGator etc. ...


  Hidden messages in logos

A logo is the simplest thing a user can remember about a product or a company. A good logo design will leave deep impression to customers. Each logo tries to convey either their product information or company vision to customers, this information may be easily understood with a glance or it contains some hidden messages which need us to figure out. Today we share some logos which contain some hidden messages.1. FedexThe arrow between E and X means Fedex will deliver the product to the right person.2. AmazonThe arrow from A to Z, it simply points from A to Z implying the wide variety of items a...

8,169 0       LOGO MEANING

  Examples of bad design

Good designs always help users solve their problems in a convenient and familiar way. It takes little or no time for users getting used to the product with a good design. In contrast, bad designs frequently introduce confusion and complexity to users. Before we design any product, we should think carefully about every aspect of the product. We share some really bad design here to show how they can affect people's life.1. USB ConnectorHave you ever put one in right on the first try? We frequently put them wrongly the first time.2. The Apple puck mouseNot only was it incredibly uncomfortable and...


  Example of less is more

Less is more is a very important design principle. It is as important as the 80:20 principle. It means that which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; simplicity is preferable to complexity; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity.Next we will use an animated image to describe what is less is more.The popularity of flat design in web application design also proves the importance of less is more. Many famous companies adopt flat design in their products such as Microsoft's Windows Phone and the new Google logo.Note ...


  Sites to go if you want to learn web development

Before you start to do web development, either for a hobby or for your start up project, you should be prepared for learning many different technologies including both front end and back end. You may need to deal with UI design, business logic design, data store and infrastructure setup etc. This seems a very complex. Indeed, if you know where you should go, the  it's actually not so hard.Here are some sites you should go when you face issues while you are doing web development. These sites are not language specific, they will not cover only one specific web programming language, instead ...


  Understanding Twitter Bootstrap 3

On 27, July, Twitter Bootstrap 3 RC 1 was released, if there are no major bugs found in this release, then it will be the final released Twitter Bootstrap 3 with some minor changes. What changes does Bootstrap 3 have compared to Bootstrap 2? After checking the documents, we can find that there are mainly 3 changes.Embrace flat designIn Bootstrap 3, it begins to embrace flat design. First from the official webpage of Bootstrap 3, we can find elements are flat designed. Also, all buttons have no box shadows now, they are flat and simple. But the flat design is not complete, in some components, w...


  6 necessary WordPress plugins for personal blogs

WordPress is now adopted by most bloggers, it has various themes and powerful plugins. There are lots of amazing plugins can be chosen such as spam comment filers and sitemap generators. For novice WordPress users, you may be confused about which plugin to choose, here we share with you 6 necessary WordPress plugins.AkismetAkismet is a built-in WordPress comment plugin. It checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it catches under your blog's "Comments" admin screen.Comment spam is always an issue with a blog. For mor...