Will Weibo's IPO be a success?

The Chinese version of Twitter -- Weibo is going to launch its IPO today on NASDAQ. The stock code is "WB" and its target price per share is set to $17. The total funds it's going to raise is around $328.44 million. Weibo claims it's the first Chinese SNS media to be listed on NASDAQ. Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse are the joint lead underwriter of the IPO. They have gained one option from Weibo for validity of 30 days to buy 2.52 million shares of ADS. One interesting thing is Goldman Sachs is also the lead underwriter of Twitter's IPO.This is the fifth year since Sina launched Weibo service...

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  Will IBM fall?

IBM has over 100 year's history and it faced many tough challenges along the way but every time it came back successfully. This time its revenue dropped 6 quarters consecutively, with the popularity of cloud computing and big data, IBM seems lag behind and is heavily hit by the storm. Its current technologies are only suitable for serving traditional companies 15 years ago but not companies now. Can IBM go though this challenge and come back again?It seems IBM doesn't want to be left out. There are some big movements recently wchih indicate IBM is taking its biggest transformation since early ...


  Failed merge and acquisition cases in the Internet history

Bebo founder sold Bebo with 850 million US dollars in 2008, but later he bought it back with just 1 million US dollars. This news lets us think about those failed merge and acquisition cases in Internet history. Let's summarize some of them here.1. BeboBuyer : AOLAcquisition price : 650 million US dollarsSold price : 1 million US dollarsLoss: 849 million US dollarsIn 2008, AOL was still belong to Time Warner. It made a decision to acquire the third largest social networking site Bebo, The purpose of this acquisition is to complete its business transformation, from Internet service provider to ...


  App's user value doesn't necessarily bring business value

There is an old saying in Internet world, you can get business value as long as you can achieve user value.Is this statement outdated in mobile Internet era?This statement originated from PC Internet era, but now the time users spend on PC drops and user behavior tends to be stable and conservative. In contrast, people are more willing to stay on mobile devices. The difference between PC and mobile is that users are freely to move around on PC end. People can navigate from one link to another link easily, while on mobile end, it's not so convenient to jump from one app to another app.There is ...


  Fab CEO: Why we choose Tencent in China?

Today one important news is that Fab completes its D round fund raising with 150 million US dollars. Regarding this round of fund raising, Fab CEO Jason Goldberg explained : "If Fab wants to do business in US only, then it's not necessary to raise so much money.". Also from the investment of Tencent and Itochu from Japan, China and Japan will be Fab's new market of expansion.Why does Fab choose to cooperate with Tencent to expand Chinese market?(There was news that Alibaba was also contacting Fab for the cooperation)? Goldberg gave his explanation while interviewed by AllThingsD.“We had ...


  Tencent released Q1 earning report of 2013

Tencent has released the earnings report of Q1 in 2013, the total revenue is $2.1611 billion which increases  11.5% compared to last quarter and increases 40.4% compared to the same time last year. The  profit is 649.4 million US dollars which increases 17.3% compared to last quarter and increases 37.4% compared last year.The three main profit generators are:1. Value-added services revenue of 1.7014 billion US dollars with an increase of 13.6% compared to last quarter and an increase of 28.6% compared to last year;2. Online advertising revenue of 135.5 million US dollars with a decre...


  3 reasons why Alibaba invests on Sina Weibo

Last night, Alibaba announced acquisition of 18% shares of Sina Weibo with $586 million, according to sources close to the deal, after the completion of this deal, Alibaba will become the second largest shareholder of Sina Weibo and may become the largest shareholder in the future.This deal was supposed to be completed before Chinese Spring Festival, but because Alibaba and Sina had a heated argument about the share holding of Sina Weibo which resulted in substantial delay in the time to complete the deal. Alibaba Managing Capital, Alibaba Group vice president Hongping's statement also confirm...

4,758 0       SINA WEIBO ALIBABA

  One minute to understand earnings report of IT giants in last quarter

According to Sohu IT, if you want to know the operating status of a listed technology company, then the company's quarterly earnings report should not be missed. Now it's time for companies to release earnings report for last quarter, a few large IT giants in United States have announced the previous quarter's earnings. But many ordinary readers are not interested in those professional reports with a lot of finance jargon, so we extracted and summarized some important information from Yahoo, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon's earnings report in order to allow you to understand the current s...