GitHub Copilot may generate code containing GPL code

GitHub Copilot is a new AI-powered code completion tool that can generate code snippets from natural language descriptions. It is powered by OpenAI Codex, a deep learning system that has been trained on billions of lines of public code. GitHub Copilot claims to be a “copilot, not a pilot”, meaning that it is not intended to write code for you, but rather to help you write code faster and better.However, some developers have raised concerns about the legal and ethical implications of using GitHub Copilot. One of the main issues is that GitHub Copilot may emit code that is derived fr...

7,526 0       GITHUB COPILOT GPL

  Useful git commands in daily work

In a developer's daily work, it is frequent to see lots of commits made. It would be a headache if one cannot use git commands well especially when in cases where some fixes need to be made on existing branches. There are some frequently used command such as git pull, git merge and git push. Apart from these, there are some other practical commands which may be useful for real use cases. This post will try to list some of them.git grep It will lists all files containing the searched keyword. This is similar to the Linux command grep.git blameIt will list the author and change time of each...


  First impression of Github Copilot

It has been some time since I heard about the new generation of AI powered coding assistant -- Github Copilot. Don't get chance to experience it until obtained the tech preview access recently. So this post will document some first impression while using it.For now, this tool is only supported in VSCode and it can support various different programming languages. To enable it, just need to search and install the Github Copilot extension within VSCode. Once that is enabled, you will find that whenever you type something in your editor, there might be some suggestion with grey text showing up.And...


  Fix could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

Recently was working on a project which needed to build a docker image, but unfortunately it kept failing as below error was seen.fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabledBased on the error, it looked like it was trying to pull code from remote Gitlab repository but failed as the terminal prompt is disabled.At first glance, have a doubt why it needs terminal prompt to be enabled? It should just succeed and without prompting for anything. The only reason for prompting is that it needs user authentication to login to the remote Gitlab repo and fetch code.&nb...


  Create customized GitHub profile page

How long have you been using GitHub? Have you ever wondered whether one can customize his profile page with some fancy looking? Indeed GitHub allows developers to customize profile page through a secret repository.The secret is to create a repository with the same name as your GitHub username. And you will be granted into the work of customizing your own profile page. In this post, we will show a simple walk through on how to create it.Create secret repositoryAs indicated by the term secret repository, it indicates the repository name will be a bit special. You are right, it should be the same...


  Reset submodule to checkout state in git

Sometimes there would be a submodule or some submodules within one git repository, in some cases the submodule may be out of sync with the checkout state as some files in submodule may be changed unexpectedly. How to reset the submodule to be the same as the original checkout state?Let's take an example that we have a git repository A and there is a submodule called ruby-gems under it. Assuming the submodule at remote origin has commit a.And on our local environment, the repository A has a latest commit of the submodule which causes some diff difference.$ git diffdiff --git a/web-api/ruby-gems...


  Simple tutorial on git cherry-pick

It is a common operation to move code from one branch to another branch in a multi-branch git repository. Normally there are two scenarios:Want to move all changes in one branch to another branch, now it's called git merge Want to move only some change/changes from one branch to another branch, now it's called git cherry-pickUsageThe purpose of git cherry-pick is to apply some change from one branch to another branch. git cherry-pick [commitHash]The above command is to apply the commit commitHash to the current working branch. It will create a new commit in the current working b...


  A guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Ubuntu

GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket are the three most famous code hosting platform in the world. They have different features which allow teams or individuals to share code with others remotely. In case you want to build your own code hosting server so that you can host and share the code by yourself, you can install and set up your own server. In this post, we will walk you through a guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Linux environment.gitlab is a web based code hosting tool which is open sourced to everyone. Below we start the installation and setup process. The Linux system we ar...