Google to build Google Babble to unify all its chat tools

--Note : Image is from www.36kr.comIf Google Talk / Hangout / Voice / Messenger are put  together, what will you find?They are all chat tools launched by Google, but with careful comparison, you will find that the difference between them is not very big. The useful tools are Google Talk and Google+, but both of them needs to be improve their user experience.According to, Google is planning to launch a chat application Google Babble which will integrate all its chat tools and service,Using Google Babble, users only need to open one chat window, you can use all of Google's chat fun...


  Google may integrate Chrome OS and Android to build Google OS

A few days ago Google announced Andy Rubin would not in charge of Android anymore and Sundar Pichai would take over Andy Rubin's position. This triggers many guesses on the future direction of the Chrome OS and Android operating system.According to Digitimes, Google is likely to integrate the Chrome OS and Android to build an unified Google OS. But to challenge Windows in the global notebook market, this new system may be in a difficult time in next 1 or 2 years.Google and Acer have indicated before that the Chromebook notebook's performance is better than expected in user acceptance aspect, b...


  Google starts to clean up its service again

Google announced on its official blog that they would clean up its service again following the fall of 2011. They will close some features and services to stay focused and make good use of other opportunities.Google Reader and Snapseed are listed in the cleaning list. Google will switch off Google Reader on July 1 this year and end its service which exists in the past eight years, Users can export feeds using Google Takeout. Google said that this product did have loyal customers, but these years its utilization is in continuous decline. The close of Google Reader may represents the decline of ...


  2013 Google Code Jam is around the corner

According to Google Code Jam, the registration time of Google Code Jam 2013 will start on 12th March, and the deadline for registration will be 14th April 00:00UTC. This year the champion will get $15,000. Besides the prize and title, the champion will be enrolled in the qualification round in 2014 directly.Since 2003, Google Code Jam attracted many professional and students to solve the hardest algorithm problems in the world. Last year, there were over 35000 programmers participated in this competition and finally only Jakub Pachocki(meret) won the championship. Who will be this year's champ...

3,812 0       GOOGLE CODE JAM 2013

  10 design principles of Google data center

Google's data center supports the world's largest search engine, smart phone application platform and cloud computing services. The data center is Google's core engine and competitiveness. Over the years, Google also plays the role of the founder and innovator of large-scale web service data center technology. Its data center infrastructure design is also at the forefront of the industry, including renewable energy use, low-power refrigeration, new energy utilization as well as data center room design.Google has always kept it secret of its data center technology and information, but it may be...


  Google feels the threat from Samsung

In response to Apple's iOS system, Google and Samsung stood on the same side. But with the increase of market share of Samsung Android devices, Google begins to feel the threat from Samsung.On MWC in Barcelona, a group of business executives said Google increasingly worried about Samsung after a private party. Because its equipment has occupied 40% of the Android devices, which could erode the Google advertising service. Google hopes manufacturers such as HTC and HP can challenge Samsung.It is reported that on an activity on Google last winter, Andy Rubin, Google Android responsible person pra...


  12 useful Chrome commands

Many useful features of Chrome don't show up on its menus. You can access them through the chrome:// command. In this article we will introduce 12 useful chrome:// commands.1. chrome://flagsIt can be used to turn on or turn off some chrome features.2. chrome://dnsThis command will show the domain name list caught by the browser.3. chrome://downloadsYou can access this through chrome menu as well. The shortcut is Ctrl+J4. chrome://extensionsThis command equals to Menu->Tools->Extensions5. chrome://bookmarksThis equals to Menu->Bookmarks->Bookmark manager. The shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+...

11,860 0       CHROME CHROME://

  Google will close shopping search service in China

Google vice president of products Sameer Samat posted a news on Google Blackboard, since the service failed to meet the expectations, in order to better optimize resources, Google decided to close the shopping search service in China.In order to better optimize resources, we have decided to close the shopping search service in China. The original intention of the development of this product is to set up a bridge between consumers and retailers and traders. However it did not meet our expectations after the release of this product, we will close this service in China. But our commitment to help...