WeChat has 100 million international users now

Just one month ago, Tencent announced that it had 70 million international users outside of China mainland. Today, they announced that WeChat hit 100 million international users.In just one month, the international users increase by 30 million. WeChat becomes one of the most tough competitors in the international IM market. Although there are still Whatsapp, Line and some other IMs, WeChat provides many different robust features, especially in the newly released WeChat 5. The new features in WeChat 5 include sticker shop, game center etc.Below is the announcement of WeChat team:WeChat has surp...


  WeChat 5.0 is coming soon

WeChat 5.01 now is available on App Store, but on Android, you still need to wait for some more time. If you want to experiment with new features of WeChat 5.0 now and you are using Android, you can request a beta version of WeChat 5.0 through here .Let's check out the new features first.WeChat 5.0 adopts the popular flat design, it focus on game platform. Main features are:You can play games with friends in game centerAdd bank account to pay with WeChatNew bookmark function, you can bookmark messages from chat,public accounts and momentsScan, you can scan bar code,magsine cover, CD cover or e...

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  WeChat owns 70 million users now out of China

According to 36 Kr, on this year's Tencent Partner Conference, Tencent president Zhiping Liu announced that WeChat had more than 70 million users out of China, it entered Malaysia, Thailand, India, Indonesia, the Middle East, Mexico and other countries. And it has become the No.1 IM app in Mexico .While in early April, WeChat had only 40 million users abroad. In just three months, 30 million news users started to use WeChat.Tencent spares no effort to promote WeChat to the international market. In China, Tencent holds China's largest social network and the most popular IM software--QQ, but glo...