Those famous Emacs users

I don't think using Emacs can improve one's programming skills, I don't think some famous people used Emacs before can provide something, either. But these famous people encouraged me to learn Emacs when I wanted to give it up. Here I created a list of famous Emacs users.Most of people in this list are not famous because they developed or used Emacs, but they are famous and also use Emacs.Joe Armstrong -- Erlang's authorIn The Setup, Joe mentioned that "I write books using XML markup in emacs (nxml mode)" and "I write code in Emacs".Amelia Andersdotter -- PoliticianIn an interview, Amelia ment...

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  Why I Still Use Emacs

At school, I’m known as the Emacs guy; when people have questionsabout configuring Emacs or making it work a certain way, they oftencome and ask me. Sometimes, some people ask me why use Emacs at all?Isn’t it a really old editor and aren’t Eclipse or Visual Studio muchbetter? I mean, they don’t have weird key bindings and haveintellisense, that’s surely better for a programmer, right?I will attempt in this post to explain some of the reasons why I stillcling to Emacs. Believe me, I don’t think I have any emotionalattachment to Emacs; the reason I canno...


  Why Emacs?

PreludeIf you are a professional writer – i.e., if someone else is getting paid to worry about how your words are formatted and printed – Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter; it simply makes everything else vanish.Neal StephensonIn the Beginning … Was the Command LineI’m an Emacs user and I’m proud of the fact. I know my reasons for using it (and loving it) for many years now. But many people don’t. I often get asked by various people the same qu...