Do designers need code?

So many problems in software occur because programmers and designers don't communicate well all the time. Why don't more designers learn to code themselves or have engineers build abstractions better suited to them?People's minds work in different ways, they can process thoughts differently, solve problems in completely different but equally valid ways. It's a mistake to assume everyone should possess the same skill set.  Also not everyone should be a full stack engineer although full stack engineers usually can achieve high productivity and improve efficiency and understand client requir...

6,999 0       DESIGN CODING

  Life in Apple design team

While in mentioning about Apple, everyone of us will think of the amazing products shipped out by Apple such as iPhone and iPad. We are all impressed by its smooth design and handy user experience. But as a outsider do you know the story behind the amazing design of Apple? Apple has a team of world class designers and they are leading the fashion of design. What's the life in Apple's design team?Ben Williamson from Apple shared one story of him which can give us some hints on what the life is like in Apple's design team. The life there is cool but it also put stringent requirement on the desig...


  5 good anti SOPA designs

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a United States bill to expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to combat online copyright infringement and online trafficking in counterfeit goods. Its goal is to protect the intellectual-property market and corresponding industry, jobs and revenue. However since its proposal, many organizations protest against it as they believed it would threaten free speech and innovation, and enable law enforcement to block access to entire internet domains due to infringing content posted on a single blog or webpage. These organizations even designed some webp...

4,209 0       DESIGN SOPA PIPA

  Reasons to use blue in design

Blue color is used in many product designs and logo designs such as Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and our site. Why do companies choose blue color in their design? It's not a coincidence for them to choose blue. One saying is the color blue is associated with trust, efficiency, clarity and simplicity. Beside this reason, are there other reasons?From an interface design standpoint, blue is an incredibly useful color. Among the dark colors designers have in their toolbox, red, orange and green already have strong built-in associations such as error, caution/safety, success. Brown is generally too...

7,731 0       DESIGN BLUE

  Pagination or continuous scrolling? It's a question

No matter in web page or mobile applications, information often can not be displayed on one page all alone, there needs some interactive modes which can expand page information: Pagination and Continuous Scrolling are very common interactive modes. Every day we may see them, they are so common that we do not even feel their presence, when browsing to the bottom of the page, we will see it. But it's difficult to choose which mode to use in design. Here we have a discussion on these two modes.PaginationPagination can divide lengthy content into small pieces displayed in separate consecutive page...


  PHP: a fractal of bad design

PrefaceI’m cranky. I complain about a lot of things. There’s a lot in the world of technology I don’t like, and that’s really to be expected—programming is a hilariously young discipline, and none of us have the slightest clue what we’re doing. Combine with Sturgeon’s Law, and I have a lifetime’s worth of stuff to gripe about.This is not the same. PHP is not merely awkward to use, or ill-suited for what I want, or suboptimal, or against my religion. I can tell you all manner of good things about languages I avoid, and all manner of b...

19,266 2       PHP DESIGN ANALYSIS

  UDP vs. TCP

IntroductionHi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the first article in my online book Networking for Game ProgrammersIn this article we start with the most basic aspect of network programming, sending and receiving data over the network. This is just the beginning – the simplest and most basic part of what network programmers do, but still it is quite intricate and non-obvious as to what the best course of action is. Take care because if you get this part wrong it will have terrible effects on your multiplayer game!You have most likely heard of sockets, and are probably aware that...


  Front-end Style Guides

We all know that feeling: some time after we launch a site, new designers and developers come in and make adjustments. They add styles that don’t fit with the content, use typefaces that make us cringe, or chuck in bloated code. But if we didn’t leave behind any documentation, we can’t really blame them for messing up our hard work. To counter this problem, graphic designers are often commissioned to produce style guides as part of a rebranding project. A style guide provides details such as how much white space should surround a logo, which typefaces and colours a brand u...