The First Bite on etcd Code

Etcd, one of the crucial components of Kubernetes. If APIServer is the heart, then etcd is the blood vessel that sends the end state of Kubernetes resources to various “organs”, providing high-speed, stable storage, and supporting APIServer’s high load performance. What if the etcd is not working properly? Just the condition as someone has a vascular disease. The deeper you know about them, the better diagnose you can make when issues occur.from unsplash, @John BarkipleRemember the local cache we finished in 20 minutes? If that is a short st...

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  Service discovery with etcd

In previous post, we have talked about etcd and its usage. This post we will cover how to implement server discovery with etcd.Service discovery is to solve one of the most commonly seen scenarios in distributed system where how to find the corresponding target service to talk to. In short, it is to find some server which one can talk to based on some service name.A complete service discovery system include below three key functions:Service registration: A service must register itself to some common place so that others can discover itHealth check: An instance must report its health status to ...


  etcd installation and usage

etcd is an open source and highly available distributed key-value storage system and is commonly used in critical data storage and service discovery and registration use cases. It is focusing on:Simple: well-defined, user-facing API (gRPC)Secure: automatic TLS with optional client cert authenticationFast: benchmarked 10,000 writes/secReliable: properly distributed using Raftetcd and Redis both support key-value storage and can be set up in distributed systems. Also Redis supporst more key value types. But they are used in different use cases and have different focus areas given below differenc...