Samsung S3 defeats iPhone 4S in sales in Q3

The market research firm Strategy Analytics publishes a research report which states global sales of Samsung Galaxy S3 is over iPhone 4S in the third quarter of 2012, it becomes the most popular mobile phone.From the chart below, Galaxy S3 was sold 18 million units in Q3, while iPhone 4S was sold 16.2 million units. Galaxy S3 took market share of 10.7%, and iPhone 4S took 9.7%.Perhaps people are not willing to buy iPhone 4S due to the launch of the iPhone 5, the iPhone 4S sales lost to Galaxy S3. iPhone 5 was sold six million units in Q3, accounting for 3.6% of the global smartphone marke...

3,811 0       IPHONE 4S SALE SAMSUNG S3

  Ten things I want Siri to be able to do for me

Now that I've had my iPhone 4S for a couple of days, I'm amazed with what Siri can do. I've asked a number of questions -- real ones, not questions like "What is the meaning of life?" -- and have been totally impressed with how my interaction with the iPhone has changed. But there are more things I'd love to be able to do with Siri, which is the reason for this post.Everyone should understand that Siri is currently a beta product from Apple. A lot of the things I'm talking about here should happen once the product is out of beta and developers are given access to a Siri API. This is my way of ...