Disposable Email address

There is one statement which says Giving out your email address is like starting a relationship. What happens when you want to break up?Once you gave out your email address, you may take the risk of receiving big amount of junk emails. However, when we register on some websites, we must provide our Email address to receive authentication emails. If we cannot receive the authentication email, we cannot finish the registration process. Is there any alternative way?We can use disposable email, i.e, some email address are like disposable chopsticks, we can throw them once we finish using them.Curr...


  Google+ is sick

Google says that Google+ now has over 170million registered users, but according a new research report of Fast Company about Google+,  Google+ is just a virtual ghost town.This research selected a sample of 40,000 random Google+ users. The result is :The average post on Google+ has less than one +1, less than one reply, and less than one re-shareRoughly 30% of users who make a public post never make a second oneEven after making five public posts, there is a 15% chance that a user will not post publicly againAmong users who make publicly viewable posts, there is an average of 12 days betw...

33,803 6       RESEARCH GOOGLE+ SICK

  Facebook : App Center is more suitable for developers

Facebook recently announced that they will release their own app store named App Center. It will be released in a few weeks. At the same time, Facebook also released the introduction page of the App Center, it introduces to developers the process of app submission and the standards of app approval.Facebook allows developer to provide charged apps via App Center. Since it has over 900 million active users globally, so many developers are willing to develop apps on this platform. Facebook will decide which app to put on its websites based on s series of factors, including app design, user rating...


  Microsoft is filing a new patent about transparent display

Microsoft is filing a new patent about transparent display screen, it may be used on augmented reality technologies of tablets, phones and laptops. Similar to the scenes in the movie Minority Report. Minority Report was showed in 2002, it described a world of 2054, at that time 3D technology is mature. But after 10 years of this movie, Microsoft not only invented the basis of this technology, but also make it more portable.Patent Bolt recently revealed a patent application of Microsoft about transparent display device, it described the portable version of this transparent 3D display device. Th...


  Galaxy S III will be released today at London

At 19:00 May 3 (London time), Samsung will release its next-generation flagship mobile phone products GALAXY, SIII in London, England. This latest Samsung mobile phone will have a quad-core processor, with blue and white two colors and screen size of more than 4.65 inch (there is news that the size will be up to 4.8 inch).Europe's largest mobile phone retailer CarphoneWarehouse confirms the new Galaxy phone does have blue and two different colors.Quad-Core CPUCeramic casingPhone screen protectorParametersA quad-core Samsung Exynos 4412 processor, clocked at 1.4GHz, the process technology 32nm...


  Guest Post from a CodeBoy: The Five Stages of Debugging

Being confronted with a serious and difficult-to-diagnose bug can be one of the most traumatic and stressful experiences of a professional programmer's career. Those who have been through such an ordeal rate the stress as on a par with that accompanying serious injury, divorce, or the death of a family member.Researchers who have studied the psychology of computer programming have lately constructed a framework to understand the stages through which the programmer's mind progresses as she/he works through the difficult process of resolving a bug. These stages are similar in concept to the well...

3,511 0       STEPS DEBUG STAGES

  Frequently used explanations of programmers

As a programmer, I think many of us have something like these below in our daily work. From these explanations, we may get to know different programmer's characteristics. Below are something we may say frequently. Don't be too serious about them.It's working on my computerI never heard about this beforeIt was working normally yesterdayOk, this is a bugHow is it possible?This must be the problem of the machine or the environmentDo you update your operating system?Must be the problems of clientThere are must be some problems with your test dataI never touched those codesYes, yes, I am going to f...


  The Evolution of a Programmer

High School/Jr.High 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 ENDFirst year in College program Hello(input, output) begin writeln('Hello World') end.Senior year in College (defun hello (print (cons 'Hello (list 'World))))New professional #include <stdio.h> void main(void) { char *message[] = {"Hello ", "World"}; int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) printf("%s", message[i]); printf("\n"); }Seasoned professional #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> class string { private: int size; char *ptr; string() : size(0), ptr(new char[1]) { ptr...