9 Outstanding Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Transform Retail

Artificial intelligence has been around for quite some time. However, Amazon was the first company to apply it in the retail industry. Now, it automates most processes on the platform, replaces the people's’ work, and increases the productivity in every possible field.Here are nine useful ideas for you to start using AI in retail.1. Tracking the Overstock and Out-of-Stock ItemsIt is necessary to know exactly how many items are left in stock (or whether there are any left at all). Sellers lose way too much money every year because they lack up-to-date information. Customers can switch to ...


  Java Interview Questions

Currently there are many articles online which summarize the list of Java interview questions. Some cover lots of basic questions and some cover some specific questions in specific area such as multithreading. In this post, we will not cover the really basic questions, we will cover something different. For basic question, you can read Java Interview Questions。BasicWhat is primitive data type? How many primitive data types in Java? What are they?-- A primitive type is predefined by the language and is named by a reserved keyword. Primitive values do not share state with other ...


  Why using + to concatenate string in Java loop is not a good option

String concatenation is a common operation in Java programming. It is to concatenate multiple strings into a single string. Java provides a String class which is an immutable class which means the object cannot be mutated once instantiated.Once a String object is instantiated, its properties cannot be changed anymore, so when concatenating strings, it's actually create a new String instance to store the concatenated string values. For example, below is a simple string concatenation example.String s = "abcd";s = s.concat("ef");When this piece of code is executed, a new String instance is create...

10,445 0       JAVA 8 STRING JAVA

  Tips on Writing for Tech Blogs

If you know your stuff when it comes to tech, you might be inspired to start contributing articles to tech blogs. A friend or colleague may suggest the idea to you, or you may see an invitation for submissions, much like the one on this website. Sounds like a great idea; but what do you know about writing articles, blog posts, or other types of content? Writing is a skill, and there are also practical aspects to writing that you need to be aware of before you start creating your own pieces. Getting started as a tech writer means addressing each of the following factors to ensure a successful a...

639 0       TIPS TECH BLOG

  Why can System.out.println be used to exit while loop

Let's first take a look at one simple Java thread code snippet which is supposed to exit the while loop after the first loop run.public class StopThread { private static boolean stopRequested; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Thread backgroundThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int i = 0; while (!stopRequested) { i++; } } }); backgroundThread.start(); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); stopRequested = true; }}But the truth is that the loop may not exit and keep running. The reason is that the updated stopRequested value will be in the ...


  Impact of AI on UI/UX design

The growth of computerization and Artificial Intelligence implanted into our regular daily existences in the course of recent years is only productive, we're no longer talk about fantasy since machines are going on at this very moment. This quick advancement has propelled a radically new age of designers to search for client-focused arrangements through the extent of these innovations. Along these lines, we need to investigate what this implies for UX plan in 2018 and what standards we should grasp to be fruitful in our methodology.1. Think cooperatively, not intenselyArtificial intelligence f...

1,391 0       UI AI UX

  Behavior of defer function in named return function

In Go, there is a special concept of named return value in function where a returned value can have name. For example, below is a named function in Go.func returnNamed() (i int) { i = 1 return}When the function returns, the return value i will have a value of 1. Also, Go has a concept of defer which will execute a function just before the calling function exits. This is similar to what finally block does in other languages such as Java. For example, a defer function can befunc deferFunc() { defer func() { fmt.Println("In defer") }() fmt.Println("Start")}Both return and defer can change th...


  Advantages and disadvantages of GoLang

GoLang is a strong typed language which means it is less flexible than interpreted languages by nature. But Go provides Any type(interface) and Reflect mechanism which make the language very close to interpreted languages on flexibility. More and more people start to learn GoLang.This post is mainly for listing down some of the advantages and disadvantages of GoLang.AdvantagesPerformance(Machine code)GoLang is a compilation language which can be compiled to machine code and the compiled binary can be directly deployed to target machine without extra dependency. The performance is better than t...