Use of @font-face

Almost all web browsers(including the dinosaur browser IE6) support the web font property @font-face. Its usage is:@font-face { font-family: 'MyWebFont'; src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */}Now we are entering the modern web browser age, the WOFF format of font is supported extensively, so now we usually...

3,249 0       CSS @FONT-FACE

  Inspiring facts about JavaScript

JavaScript has been advocated as the first language to be learned by people who want to program. We have discussed the reasons why we should do so. Recently with the popularity of Node.js, JavaScript has become a full-stack language,  it can be used as both frontend and backend programming language. Today we will give some hard facts which will convince you about the popularity of JavaScript.Just like William Ting said ""JavaScript will stay relevant as long as people use the internet". Yes, JavaScript was created for web, but it's not limited to web; and Internet is bound with web closel...


  Web design trends for 2014

Now, it's age of web, many resource and manpower have been invested in web to extend and enhance the capability of web. Every year there are new web designs and technologies emerging. In recent years, with the popularity of handhold devices such as smart phones and smart devices like iPads,Surface, responsive design is becoming a requirement, also we can find flat design in many places. The web design trend is changing dramatically. Many people may wonder what's the web design trend in 2014?Jowita Ziobro web designer at Delighten shares her predictions on the web design trend in 2014. The...

6,523 2       WEB DESIGN TREND 2014

  Which one has a worse reputation, JavaScript or PHP?

There has a been a lot of criticism of PHP over being a badly designed programming language. JavaScript seems quite a similar language with loose-typing and flexible array declarations/memory management, but is widely adopted by industry leaders such as Google. Google even has a JavaScript style guide. Many people think that PHP has a worse reputation than JavaScript. Carlos Ribeiro gave his analysis on a high level which doesn't touch the language syntax.Attributing JavaScript success to it being "the only language for the job" is unfair. JavaScript is hands down a much better language than P...


  What is Asian UI design like from a Western point of view?

From a western point view, Asian UI designs are usually quite dense and compact. People in Asia are think more in detail when they start design something. They think these designs have following characteristicsDense tightly packed textTiny low-quality imagesMore columns than you can countBright clashing colours and flashing bannersOveruse of outdated technologies like FlashWhile the Western design is much simpler. They are treating the design as a whole, so usually we will see some quite smooth designs, especially in some single page designs. Also, they like to adopt new technologies when they...


  PHP Apache MySQL Set-up Note

With the emergence of WAMP, LAMP, PHP developers are liberated from the tedious work of setting up PHP environment. Since PHP, Apache and MySQL are so tightly bundled, WAMP and LAMP provide a setp solution for setting up a PHP environment which includes the programming programming environment, server and database. But for a PHP who wants to learn more, you have to try to set the PHP environment yourself by installing PHP, Apache and MySQL manually and configuring them.Below is a simple note on how to setup the PHP environment on Mac OS X. This setup guide should also be helpful on other system...

4,577 0       PHP APACHE MYSQL

  You can get properties of pseudo-element using JavaScript now

The pseudo-element6 in CSS is extremely useful, you can use it to create CSS triangles and lots of other elements without overuse many HTML elements. In the past, you cannot get the property value of pseudo-element in CSS using JavaScript. Now you can call a new method in JavaScript to get them easily.Assume you have below CSS codes:.element:before { content: 'NEW'; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);}To get the properties in .element:before, you can use below JavaScript method:var color = window.getComputedStyle( document.querySelector('.element'), ':before').getPropertyValue('color')You can put the pseud...


  Why does LinkedIn migrate to NodeJS from Ruby?

Node.js, the server-side JavaScript-based software platform used to build scalable network applications, has been all the rage among many developers for the past couple of years. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Because of these advantages, there are many websites are migrating to Node.js.One of them is LinkedIn.LinkedIn was initially built on Ruby which contained 60K lines of code, later in 2011, LinkedIn started to rebuild their core mobile servi...