WeChat 5.0 is coming soon

WeChat 5.01 now is available on App Store, but on Android, you still need to wait for some more time. If you want to experiment with new features of WeChat 5.0 now and you are using Android, you can request a beta version of WeChat 5.0 through here .Let's check out the new features first.WeChat 5.0 adopts the popular flat design, it focus on game platform. Main features are:You can play games with friends in game centerAdd bank account to pay with WeChatNew bookmark function, you can bookmark messages from chat,public accounts and momentsScan, you can scan bar code,magsine cover, CD cover or e...

5,118 0       WECHAT 5.0 NEW FETUARES

  Google releases Analytics real time API

According to Tech Crunch, Google finally released its Analytics real time API. Although this feature was launched two years ago, there was no convenient way for webmasters to adjust the data so that they can be viewed properly. Now developers can use the API to get what they want and utilize these data to do what they want to. Developers need to apply for using the API now.Once you get access to this API, then you can search your own real time data and utilize these data as you want to. For example, you can embed a visitor counter on your website or even build an application to display active ...


  Facebook share price is over $38 before the market opens on Wednesday

According to Sina Tech, Facebook share price is over $38 before the market opens on Wednesday. It's the first time that its share price is over $38 since its IPO last year.In May 2012, Facebook went to public on Nasdaq with a releasing share price of $38. The share price went below $38 after the first trading day. Then after its share price kept dropping until last September it reached to its lowest point with a share price of $17.58.But as Facebook's performance was better than expected last quarter and its mobile end revenue also keeps growing, its share price grew gradually..On this Tuesday...


  8 powerful Chrome extensions

Chrome is a powerful browser, one reason why it's so powerful is that it has abundant extensions. There are various extensions in Chrome Web Store. They can meet all kinds of needs you have and they are very easy to install as well. Here we share with you 8 powerful extensions on Chrome. All of them can be downloaded from Chrome Web StoreHolmesA bookmark search tool, if you have lots of bookmarks and you even don't know where they are. Hplmes can help you find them in real time by matching title and address.LastPassA password management tool. You can store all your password information so that...

7,138 0       CHROME EXTENSION

  An ex-Mozilla employee's view about Chrome

Chrome now becomes the most popular web browser on the planet because it provides excellent user experience. As a general user, we think it's fast and easy to use. How about those who develop web browsers? How do they think about Chrome? Abhinav Sharma ,an ex-Mozilla employee and now Facebook employee, shared his opinion about Chrome.Mozilla fights an uphill battle given Google's advertising budget and capacity to have some incredibly good engineers and designers work on Chrome. They also came along later when open source was a lot more prevalent and could get off the ground quicker using WebK...


  Alibaba starts IPO procedure

According to Hong Kong East Daily, Alibaba has submitted its IPO application to Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This marks the beginning of Alibaba's IPO procedure. It's expected to be listed in October at the earliest. It's valued as between $80 billion and $100 billion. It may raise $20 billion this round. If Alibaba is listed successfully, this will be the highest fund raising company in HSE's history. There is news that Alibaba will spend $7 billion to buy back the shares owned by Yahoo.Yahoo recently released its Q2 earning report. From the data revealed by Yahoo, Alibaba's revenue is $1.38 bil...

4,713 0       IPO ALIBABA YUN MA HSE

  What's in common between building a startup and having a baby?

Many young people put their dreams into their own startups. Building a startup not only needs your idea, it also takes time and effort. You also need to take the risk of failing. Actually, a startup is just like your own baby, you spend day and night with it, you are excited with its growth. What's in common between building a startup and having a baby? One popular summary is :1. The conception is the most fun part.2. Then getting the darn thing to take birth is painful3. In the early months and years it keeps you awake night and day4. During this time, there are only two modes - "in tears" an...

5,158 1       TIPS STARTUP BABY

  Meet the new Gmail inbox

On 29 May, Google announced the new Gmail inbox. The biggest change is users can categorize their mails. Today the new Gmail inbox is finally available. Now we can put a lot of different types of email: messages from friends, social notifications, deals and offers, confirmations and receipts, and more into different categories.By default, Gmail provides three different tabs : Primary, Social and Promotions at the inbox page. You can know what to read and what are the priority mails as a glance. Some important friends and starred mails will be put into the Primary tab, mails from social medias ...

6,108 0       GMAIL NEW INBOX