3 reasons why Alibaba invests on Sina Weibo

Last night, Alibaba announced acquisition of 18% shares of Sina Weibo with $586 million, according to sources close to the deal, after the completion of this deal, Alibaba will become the second largest shareholder of Sina Weibo and may become the largest shareholder in the future.This deal was supposed to be completed before Chinese Spring Festival, but because Alibaba and Sina had a heated argument about the share holding of Sina Weibo which resulted in substantial delay in the time to complete the deal. Alibaba Managing Capital, Alibaba Group vice president Hongping's statement also confirm...

4,770 0       SINA WEIBO ALIBABA

  One minute to understand earnings report of IT giants in last quarter

According to Sohu IT, if you want to know the operating status of a listed technology company, then the company's quarterly earnings report should not be missed. Now it's time for companies to release earnings report for last quarter, a few large IT giants in United States have announced the previous quarter's earnings. But many ordinary readers are not interested in those professional reports with a lot of finance jargon, so we extracted and summarized some important information from Yahoo, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon's earnings report in order to allow you to understand the current s...


  What surprise Google brings us in Nexus 5?

Because Nexus 4 performed well after release, many people are confident of the performance of the upcoming Nexus 5. It is manufactured by LG and equipped with attractive configurations.LG Nexus 5 will have Android 5 installed, as for hardware, it will have a 5.2 inch screen with a resolution of 1920x1080  Also the processor will be a 2.3GHz Quad-Core processor. The exciting part is it has a 4GB(Some says it's 3GB) memory which is larger than almost all current Android devices which have 2GB memory.In addition, Nexus 5 will have a 16MP camera and a 5000mAh battery which can largely improve...

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  There is no privacy in front of Facebook Home

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the release of Facebook Home application. It will be available for Android users on 12th April. But there is one thing to be noted. What's about our privacy? Facebook is questioned by public about its privacy issues. Facebook Home is deeply integrated with Android and has fully control of the entry of user. This makes people who care about privacy alert. The editor of Gigaom Malik expressed his own worries in one article.Here is what he wrote:The new Home app/UX/quasi-OS is deeply integrated into the Android environment. It takes an effort to shut it down...


  Are you ready for Facebook's phone?

According  to Sina Tech, Facebook will announce its own phone today in US. They will also release its new Android application.The Facebook phone is manufactured by HTC, the model will be HTC First. This will be a deeply customized Facebook phone, some IT professionals think this phone's name is very similar to HTC's flag model HTC One.This phone may provide a home screen application named Facebook Home. Facebook Home adopts the minimization design, it can display photos in full screen. This application also provides many new features of Facebook which can help users navigate to specified ...


  Google will launch new rendering engine Blink

Google announced new rendering engine Blink derived from the open source WebKit on Chromium project's official blog. This is to speed up the innovation and development process. It will take some time for Chrome to switch from Webkit to Blink.Opera has just switched to WebKit, what will they think about Google's move? Opera's Bruce Lawson said in a blog that Opera browser would use Blink engine and contribute to Blink community.For Google, a powerful rendering engine means that Chrome OS can have more powerful applications.Source :


  E-commerce "Whampoa Military Academy" in Guangdong

There are five projects being initiated this year in Guangdong Province to help the young graduates to find jobs or become entrepreneurs, such as providing more internship opportunities to university graduates and setting up total 200 million amount loans to help starting their own business. Among all the announced plans, the “Youth E-Business Elite Plan” attracts the most attention. This plan relies on Taobao University of Guangdong Youth College to train various e-commerce talents, aiming at build up an e-commerce "Whampoa Military Academy."Postal Savings Bank of China Guangdong ...


  Only 4G can resolve the conflicts between China Telecom Carriers and WeChat ?

Why WeChat has made the three big Chinese telecom companies uncomfortable? Let's analyze from both technical and commercial levels.From a technical point of view, Mr. Huang, Dean of China Mobile Research Institute, described the impact of "always online service" applications like WeChat. Instead of using technical terms, we will explain in simple vivid phrases.First, mobile QQ, or WeChat, will have their own "request frequency". These requests are sent to the carrier network, to check the real-time status of itself, such as checking if there is status change or new news come up.These "signalin...