Samsung will build its own mobile browser

According to the Korean IT News, Samsung is developing its own brand mobile browser based on WebKit, make its the default browser for future Gaxlaxy products.Samsung has posted recruitment advertisements for recruiting Webkit developers in its Advanced Software Platform Lab located in the Silicon Valley. Webkit is an open-source browser engine, Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome are based on this open source engine.For many users, the phone's built-in default browser is still the most used, so Samsung also wants to encourage its Galaxy users to use their own browser. At the same time, the over...


  Nokia : Nokia map is better than Apple map

Recently, the new release of Apple map is criticized by many users because of its search results accuracy. By this time, Nokia which has its map service Ovi Maps has a comparison of three maps in its Conversations blog. These three maps are the one on the Lumia 920, the Google Map on Samsung Galaxy S3, the map on Apple iPhone 5, It wants to show that Nokia is the best among them. Let's take a look:1. Offline modeOn Lumia 920 Map, the map of the entire country is downloaded, you can position, search, and route offline. Galaxy S3 will only be able to download a map of the city information offlin...

3,964 0       MAP IPHONE 5 GALAXY S3 LUMIA 920

  Mark Zuckerberg : Facebook's biggest mistake is relying too much on HTML5

On Disrupt conference organized by TechCrunch, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said they relied too heavily on HTML5 and ignored the advantages of the Native-App when talking about Facebook mobile product design strategy.Zuckerberg said the focus in HTML5 was his biggest mistake. This is the first time the young CEO admits he is wrong on HTML5 and native applications publicly. Zuckerberg later mentioned after transferring the Facebook client from HTML to Native applications, users comsumed twice feed stories than before."The first half year has been a little bit slow on product, but f...


  Chrome time machine : Chrome starts from 0 to 1

Time flies, Chrome has been around us for four years since its birth. The Chrome team launched a Chrome time machine on Google's official blog, you just need a simple click or scroll back and forth with mouse, it will show you what happened to Chrome in last four years. If you find clues hidden between the lines, type a few mysterious characters, you may also be able to find a special birthday gift prepared by Chrome team.Four years, Chrome started from scratch and now it's the No.1 web browser, In May for the first time Chrome became the world's largest browser overtaking IE. Chrome browser n...


  Google+ may defeat Facebook in education

Although Google launched Google+ to compete with Facebook, we know that Facebook is now almost irreplaceable.However, does Facebook dominate now mean it will dominate the future? Of course not. Based on his own understanding and knowledge of Google+, Jesse Wojdylo, a Web Entrepreneur engineer, expressed that Google+ will dominate in the field of education, and published them in his Google+ homepage. Here is what he says:Most major universities have incorporated Gmail and Google Apps for all students.  Many of these major universities are activating Google+ for only their .edu us...


  Samsung announces Galaxy Note II

Samsung announced Galaxy Note II in today's Mobile Unpacked conference. It has been one year since the first generation of Galaxy Note released in October last year.Galaxy Note â…¡ is not lighter, but a little thinner compared to Galaxy Note I. It is equipped with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with a 5.5-inch screen. Detailed parameters are as follows:1.6GHz quad-core Exynos processor5.5 inches HD Super AMOLED screen, 1280 x 720 (16:9)8 megapixel rear camera, 1.9 megapixel front camera2G RAM, 16/32/64G storage space, support for microSD expansion3100mAh battery80.5 x 151.1 x 9.4 mmSupport HSPA + ...


  Why doesn't Microsoft involve in the patent war with Apple?

After Apple and Samsung patent war ends, Samsung immediately announced that they would continue to appeal. People are now guessing that the next target of Apple is Motorola and Google, while the situation getting worse, we could not help to ask why there is no emergence of Microsoft?At first glance, the answer seems to be very simple, both Microsoft Window 8 and Window Phone products do not have much intersection with Apple's products. But there is an unknown reason, there is a patent cross-license agreement signed between Apple and Microsoft.Boris Teksler, who is in charge of Apple's patent l...


  Samsung loses $12.3 billion in one day

Following the court decision last Friday on Samsung's infringement of Apple's patents, Apple did not stop, they immediately submitted an application to the court to ban some Samsung smartphones, including 8 types of Samsung smartphones sold in United States. Apple listed in detail in the document what patents these phones infringed. These 8 smartphones are:Galaxy S 4GGalaxy S2 (AT&T)Galaxy S2 (Skyrocket)Galaxy S2 (T-Mobile)Galaxy S2 Epic 4GGalaxy S ShowcaseDroid ChargeGalaxy PrevailSince the case is ended, if Apple wants the court to ban these eight smartphones, they only need to prove tha...