Why doesn't Google copy successful startup ideas?

Google is definitely one of the largest players in Internet world. It owns the most popular search engine, mobile operating system and mapping service. It not only has huge user base but also is extremely rich. It can copy and create any product that is proven to be successful with its talent pool and money. But why doesn't Google copy those successful startup ideas?Based on the current status quo and culture gene of Google, there are several reasons Google doesn't copy startup ideas.First, Google has challenges that startups don't necessarily have early on. For example, Google must launch its...

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  How to let Google index AJAX contents?

There are lots of websites containing only one page now with the popularity of AJAX. The website will load different contents according to different inputs from users.This approach provides good user experience and it also helps save bandwidth, the drawback is that AJAX contents are not easy to be indexed by search engines. For example, if you have a website:http://example.comUsers can see different contents with the appended # structure in the URL:, the search engine will only index and ignore the #. To resolve thi...


  Is Google still in China?

According to Tencent Tech, data from traffic statistics agency CNZZ shows that Google only ranks fifth in China's search engine market calculating by page views. Its market share is 2.13% in China. and although Baidu is still at the first place, its market share also declined and the its market share is less than 70%.Overall, Google's market share in China drops continuously.At the same time, Baidu also faces competition from other search engines, especially from new entrants Qihoo. Qihoo launched its own search engine in August last year, and its market share quickly rose to the second place....


  Motorola : A Google company

According to Sina Tech, Motorola Mobility has changed its company logo this week. The new logo comes with new graphic design and new font design.The new logo still has the 'M' badge and "MOTOROLA". However, the color of the 'M' badge changes from the old white to the new gray and the outer ring color also changes from red to multi-color. It is more like the Google logo's color scheme.At the same time, the "MOTOROLA" string on the logo also changes from upper case letters to lower case letters, color changes from bold black to gray. This makes it look more soft and more comfortable.This logo fi...


  Sundar Pichai : Excited to try out iOS 7

Google Android business executives Sundar Pichai said on Twitter that he was excited to try out iOS7 beta and he would like to register as a Apple developer in order to experience iOS 7 early.The real reason why Sundar Pichai expresses interest on iOS 7 is not yet known, but at least "Know thyself, ever-victorious" is correct. Because as a person who is in charge of Android, he should grasp the status of competitors in order to know what the Android system can improve.However, Apple's iOS 7 application icon design received a lot of negative comments. Maybe Sundar Pichai will be happy about thi...


  What does a Bing driven Siri mean to Google?

On Tuesday, Apple announced that Bing would become the default search engine of the upcoming iOS 7. This is another Google service kicked out by Apple after Youtube and Google Maps.For Siri: if the default system of Siri can not answer your question, it will try to search the Internet. Currently, Siri connects to the Safari browser by default, and Safari's primary search engine is Google (Can change to Yahoo or Bing). But in iOS 7, Siri's default search engine will be replaced by Bing. Siri will use Microsoft's search index to answer the questions it can not answer itself, and it will not ask ...

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  Google completes acquisition of Waze

Yesterday there was news about Google's acquisition of Waze with 1.3 billion US dollars. Today Google officially released news that they had completed the acquisition of Waze. However the price is not unveiled.Google said on its official blog :The Waze product development team will remain in Israel and operate separately for now. We’re excited about the prospect of enhancing Google Maps with some of the traffic update features provided by Waze and enhancing Waze with Google’s search capabilities.The major benefit of Waze to Google is its real time traffic information. When you foll...


  What surprise Google brings us in Nexus 5?

Because Nexus 4 performed well after release, many people are confident of the performance of the upcoming Nexus 5. It is manufactured by LG and equipped with attractive configurations.LG Nexus 5 will have Android 5 installed, as for hardware, it will have a 5.2 inch screen with a resolution of 1920x1080  Also the processor will be a 2.3GHz Quad-Core processor. The exciting part is it has a 4GB(Some says it's 3GB) memory which is larger than almost all current Android devices which have 2GB memory.In addition, Nexus 5 will have a 16MP camera and a 5000mAh battery which can largely improve...

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