Google will launch new rendering engine Blink

Google announced new rendering engine Blink derived from the open source WebKit on Chromium project's official blog. This is to speed up the innovation and development process. It will take some time for Chrome to switch from Webkit to Blink.Opera has just switched to WebKit, what will they think about Google's move? Opera's Bruce Lawson said in a blog that Opera browser would use Blink engine and contribute to Blink community.For Google, a powerful rendering engine means that Chrome OS can have more powerful applications.Source :


  Google starts to clean up its service again

Google announced on its official blog that they would clean up its service again following the fall of 2011. They will close some features and services to stay focused and make good use of other opportunities.Google Reader and Snapseed are listed in the cleaning list. Google will switch off Google Reader on July 1 this year and end its service which exists in the past eight years, Users can export feeds using Google Takeout. Google said that this product did have loyal customers, but these years its utilization is in continuous decline. The close of Google Reader may represents the decline of ...


  2013 Google Code Jam is around the corner

According to Google Code Jam, the registration time of Google Code Jam 2013 will start on 12th March, and the deadline for registration will be 14th April 00:00UTC. This year the champion will get $15,000. Besides the prize and title, the champion will be enrolled in the qualification round in 2014 directly.Since 2003, Google Code Jam attracted many professional and students to solve the hardest algorithm problems in the world. Last year, there were over 35000 programmers participated in this competition and finally only Jakub Pachocki(meret) won the championship. Who will be this year's champ...

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  10 design principles of Google data center

Google's data center supports the world's largest search engine, smart phone application platform and cloud computing services. The data center is Google's core engine and competitiveness. Over the years, Google also plays the role of the founder and innovator of large-scale web service data center technology. Its data center infrastructure design is also at the forefront of the industry, including renewable energy use, low-power refrigeration, new energy utilization as well as data center room design.Google has always kept it secret of its data center technology and information, but it may be...


  Google feels the threat from Samsung

In response to Apple's iOS system, Google and Samsung stood on the same side. But with the increase of market share of Samsung Android devices, Google begins to feel the threat from Samsung.On MWC in Barcelona, a group of business executives said Google increasingly worried about Samsung after a private party. Because its equipment has occupied 40% of the Android devices, which could erode the Google advertising service. Google hopes manufacturers such as HTC and HP can challenge Samsung.It is reported that on an activity on Google last winter, Andy Rubin, Google Android responsible person pra...


  Tom Uglow from Google : 5 steps to innovation

Google has been known for its innovation In Google there is a "welfare": each employee can spare 20% of his/her time to do what he/she likes to do so that any idea has a chance to be turned into reality. Perhaps this freedom makes Google capable of introducing new products and new ideas continuously.Google China held a small discussion session in its office in Tsinghua Science Park recently, Google Creative Director Tom Uglow shared some experience and cases of Google in production and innovation, it is worth learning and referencing. According to Tom Uglow, with development of technology, the...


  Android 4.0+ occupies quarter of Android market

Google updates its developer page about Android platform version market share. From the latest data, we can find Android 4.0 and above system occupy around 25% of all Android market. But Android 2.3 Gingerbread still occupies over 50% of Android market.From the above chart, Android 4.0 has 23.7% market share, the latest Android 4.1 JellyBean takes 1.8%, these two have 25.5% market share in total. But Android 2.3 Gingerbread alone still dominates the Android market, it takes 55.8% market share. Besides 2.3 and 4.0, the third largest is Android 2.2 Froyo, with 12.9% market share, followed by 2.1...


  Google open sources Leak Finder for JavaScript

Google recently open sourced a tools for finding memory leaks in JavaScript programs.In JavaScript you cannot have "memory leaks" in the traditional sense, but you can have objects which are unintentionally kept alive and which in turn keep alive other objects, e.g., large parts of DOM.Leak Finder for JavaScript works against the Developer tools remote inspecting protocol of Chrome, retrieves heap snapshots, and detects objects which are "memory leaks" according to a given leak definition.The default configuration of the tool detects goog.Disposable objects which were not dispose()d. goog.Even...