Microsoft is attacking iPad again

Microsoft recently released a new advertisement on YouTube which attacked iPad. It aimed to show that iPad had a poorer performance in the classroom than Windows Tablet.Steve Jobs once said that iPad could liberate student's shoulder, students no longer need to carry their heavy school bags to the class. But from Microsoft's perspective, although iPad is lighter than student's school bag, the problem is that its performance in the classroom is not so satisfying. In Microsoft's advertisement, after the teacher announced to start the class, the girl who used the Lenovo Yoga(equipped with Window ...


  Recover deleted file in Linux EXT3 file system

Environment : CentOS 5.3 x86_64, /dev/sdb1 is the data segment /data0. EXT3 file system.Problem : /data0/tcsql/cankao/phpcws-1.5.0/httpcws.cpp is deleted mistakenly and httpcws.cpp is not backed up. It will take much time to rewrite this program again. So we must recover it back.debugfs is feasible in EXT2 file system, but in EXT3 file system, it's not very useful. There is one open source software called ext3grep which can help us recover deleted file in EXT3 file system. The recovery steps are:1. Install ext3grep.wget http://ext3grep.googlecode.com/files/ext3grep-0.10.1.tar.gztar zxvf ext3gr...


  Windows 8.1 will be released on October 18

According to TheVerge, Microsoft Windows 8.1 will be released on October 18. Windows 8 users can download the free update on Windows Store one day before the release date, There will be a formal release press on October 18. In next few weeks, Windows 8 RTM will be open to PC manufacturers and partners.In this year's WPC, Microsoft demonstrated their latest Windows 8.1 on various devices most of the time, including the 8-inch Tablet PC, laptops, desktops and even streamed content from PC to Xbox One. The Windows 8.1 highlights include the come back of "Start button", support for multi-screen ap...

2,741 0       WINDOWS 8.1 RELEASE DATE

  Migrate from MySQL to MariaDB in Ubuntu

The biggest movement of escaping from MySQL in this century starts, openSUSE,Fedora and Arch have started to use MariaDB instead of MySQL as their default database. Many people also dislike the attitude of Oracle on MySQL, so it's reasonable to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB. The whole process is not complicated. Here we share the steps to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB in Ubuntu.Installation procedure:sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0xcbcb082a1bb943dbModify /etc/apt/sources.list, add:# MariaDB 5.5 repository list - created 2013-04-08 14:44 UTC# http://mariadb.org/m...


  How to commit code to OpenStack

If you want to make contributions to OpenStack, the best way to start is to help the community with blueprint or submit bug fix. To commit codes, you need to conform to some rules in the community.Work flowRegister an OpenIDApply for a CLA certificateApply for company CLA certificateUpdate contributor listJoin OpenStack Contributors group and OpenStack groupSet up SSH KeysGet a blueprint/buggit clone codes to local disk. Configure user name and user email and openidModify codes in a limited time and complete all the tests. The codes must conform to PEP8 guidelineIf goes over the limited time, ...


  Why do people hate Windows?

Windows brought us into PC era, it becomes the most widely used OS in the past 20 or so years. But unfortunately there are still many people hate Windows. Is it because we may encounter the notorious blue screen issue now and then? People hate Microsoft Windows for the same reason they hate Comcast, United Airlines, or Paypal.Once Microsoft gained a dominant market position, it completely and utterly took its customers for granted. It became arrogant and complacent, causing customers to feel unappreciated and victimized.This is nothing surprising. Once a company is assured of its market p...

14,116 6       WINDOWS HATE

  Build Hadoop environment in Linux

Hadoop standalone installation:1. Install JDKInstall JDK with below command:sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdkConfigure Java environment, open /etc/profile, add below contents:export JAVA_HOME = (Java installation directory)export CLASSPATH =".:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$CLASSPATH"export PATH = "$JAVA_HOME/:PATH"Verify installation of JavaType java --version, if it outputs Java version information, then Java is successfully installed.2. Install SSHInstall SSH with below command:sudo apt-get install sshConfigure SSH to login to local PC without password:ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsaP...


  What do people think about IE?

Browser war among major browsers is continuing for a long time since last century. Just a few years ago, Internet Explorer was the most used web browser. But now the situation is completely different, people are making fun of Internet Explorer and switching to other browsers. Today we share some jokes about Internet Explorer, it's just for fun, so grab a cup of coffee and sit down and enjoy.Hmm, is IE so slow?What gun is it?Hmm, I am still one step behindAnd I am lost.Hey, what is HTML5?I am on my own.Are parents still using this?Am I wrong? Everyone wants to be the default web browser.All ima...

60,687 59       CHROME IE JOKE