Those famous Emacs users

I don't think using Emacs can improve one's programming skills, I don't think some famous people used Emacs before can provide something, either. But these famous people encouraged me to learn Emacs when I wanted to give it up. Here I created a list of famous Emacs users.Most of people in this list are not famous because they developed or used Emacs, but they are famous and also use Emacs.Joe Armstrong -- Erlang's authorIn The Setup, Joe mentioned that "I write books using XML markup in emacs (nxml mode)" and "I write code in Emacs".Amelia Andersdotter -- PoliticianIn an interview, Amelia ment...

18,928 2       HISTORY EMACS

  Do IE developers feel guilty?

IE won the browser war before Chrome appeared with the help of anti-competitive practices. But with the appearance of more and more easy-to-use and fast browsers, people start to hate IE and leave IE. It seems IE is not a product of modern age. Do IE developers feel guilty about this?Everything is contextual. The browser that most people hate today is IE6, which, at the time was one of the best browsers on the planet (it didn't win the Browser Wars, Round One, by accident). It was built on "internet-time" before a lot of the security issues it suffered from were even well-understood in the ind...

7,084 0       IE HISTORY

  Origin of Windows blue screen

Many of you from old ages might see the classical blue Windows blue screen before.Do you still remember the most famous Windows blue screen incident during a presentation of a Windows 98 beta by Bill Gates at COMDEX on April 20 1998. But do you know the history of blue screen? John Vert, an ex-Windoes NT kernel guy, shared the story on Quora. Back in 1991 John Vert wrote the original code for Windows NT 3.1 that put the video screen back into text mode and the routines to put text on it (and a truly gnarly bit of code it was!). He used the white on blue colors for two reasons.The MIPS wor...


  bash network interface

Some of us may have seen /dev/tcp/<host>/<port> before, is this a special file system implemented in some BSD kernel? Because there is no /dev/tcp in Linux. Actually, this one is implemented in bash. We no need to rely on wget,nc to do network connection.It's very easy to use this interface:bash-4.2$ cat </dev/tcp/time.nist.gov/1356188 12-09-18 15:34:26 50 0 0 733.5 UTC(NIST) * bash-4.2$ exec 3<>/dev/tcp/www.w3.org/80bash-4.2$ echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n" >&3bash-4.2$ cat <&3HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 15:41:08 GMTServer: Apache/2Content-Location: H...


  Skype wins its position in Windows 8.1

According to The Verge, Skype finally wins its position in Windows 8.1 after acquired by Microsoft. Microsoft will drop the existing communications applications on existing Windows and replace it with Skype. Skype and Windows 8.1 will be more closely associated and this is what Microsoft expects.On Windows 8.1, users can still use Skype for voice or video calls even it's in lock screen mode.In February, Microsoft announced that Windows Live Messenger users would be forced to upgrade to Skype, by then Windows Live Messenger users would be limited to use Windows Live Messenger service. This mean...

3,662 0       SKYPE WINDOWS 8.1 BUILD 2013

  10 major updates of Windows 8.1

Last night, the 2013 Microsoft Build Developer Conference started in San Francisco. The highlight of the first day is Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the release of Windows 8.1 Preview . The final version will be released in November and he also mentioned that there would be over 300 updates on the new OS.Now let's summarize 10 major updates of the new OS.1. Classical desktop modeAfter getting a lot of feedback from users, Microsoft adds a new setting. Users can choose to start in classical desktop mode instead of the touch screen like in Windows 8 when the computer boots up.2. Apps auto...

7,232 6       BUILD WINDOWS 8.1

  The new Surface RT may use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor

According to Sina Tech, Microsoft will launch its new Surface RT tablet equipped with Qualcomm processor .The source said, some of the new Surface RT will use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, this processor will provide faster wireless data connection speed.The current Surface RT uses Nvidia's Tegra processor. Some versions of the Surface RT will continue to use Tegra processor.By adding Qualcomm processor as another option, Microsoft will further expand Surface RT function. Despite Microsoft has high expectations on Surface RT, but the Surface RT tablet sales are not satisfying. IDC data show t...


  About tmpfs

tmpfs is another confusing name in Linux kernel, its implementation is in mm/shmem.c, shmem has no relation to tmpfs at first glance although we know tmpfs is based on memory. We can understand why we use this name by seeing where this is used.In a desktop Linux system, tmpfs is loaded usually:% grep tmpfs /proc/mountsdevtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,size=1958956k,nr_inodes=489739,mode=755 0 0tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755 0 0tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relati...