Rails and Web Development - Take the First Step

  James        2011-10-17 11:16:51       2,210        0    

Getting started with web development isn’t easy. Looking back to when I started, the first few weeks were the toughest to stick with it. For someone who is new to text editors and the terminal – the installation process can be really overwhelming. I recently went through the process of helping some of my friends get set up with Ruby on Rails and after doing it a few times, I realized it would be helpful to write a post that others looking to get started could refer to.

The following is not going to fully explain the steps (which at some point will be important to understand). Instead, I tried to give explicit instructions for creating a working rails environment that hopefully will be easy for anyone with a Mac to follow. If you are interested in getting started with web dev but not sure where to begin, this is for you!

1) This tutorial won’t work on a PC and the process is a little different for Ubuntu (which I first started on). You can buy used macbooks on eBay pretty cheap, or dualboot your PC with Ubuntu. I had someone who knew what they were doing help me with the latter when I started – but I do think a Mac is the easiest option.

2) Install Xcode in the app store. If you have the Lion operating system installed, it’s free. You can also get Lion in the app store.

Source : http://www.jamesjohnson.me/


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