8 Very Simple and Easy Steps for Designing a Successful Launch Page

  macyjones        2014-12-12 00:40:10       3,459        0    

There are such a large number of new companies launching nowadays that you truly can't stand to waste your time for coding for your wonderful products. Also make sure that you are additionally making a list of your potential clients for your application. A Launching page will permit you to connect directly with great business people who can transform your company into compelling brand envoys. You can browse making a coming soon page or even a complete page including the items with their complete descriptions. No matter what variants you go for, you need to focus on the given useful points in order to make your launch page a great success.

1.       Define clearly what type of issues are you going to solve with your products:

When you are pasting your products on your launch page then define clearly what type of problems are going to be sorted out using your products. Please make sure that you do not use the abstract copy. You have to check for various versions until you find the one that will help you in getting more customers.

2.       Define the personas of your Users:

Personas are fictional characters made to speak to the diverse client sorts that may utilize a site, brand, or item in a comparable manner. Understanding our client's necessities helps us settle on vital choices in product advancement or while making advertising messages, eventually prompting more changes.

3.       Create an emotional relation with your clients/readers:

You can do this by providing your readers with useful and interactive videos that will demo them about your products. This will help your users in understanding your page and your products in a better way.

4.       Place only a single Call to Action button:

When you want your customers to contact you immediately make use of only single call to action button. Make people to subscribe you by using only a single call-to-action button. Your main aim is to get people leave their emails and avoid anything that might distract them like using other links or other call to action. Make a single call to action button and get people contact you immediately.

5.       Create your page exclusively:

Make your visitors believe that you are providing them with amazing products and services. Make them feel that if they join you, they will feel a change in their life. This technique was earlier used by the Mailbox team, who created a reservation system that used to show the number of people before and after the person has signed up.  

6.       Ask for more shares and start creating a viral loop:

After the users have signed in into your site, ask them to make more shares and keep on sharing till it reaches a good number. Ask them to take help from their friends and friends of friends and create a loop of your products and services. This will surely help you a lot in making your launch page a great success. This has already shown incredible results.

Search wisely for your users and where they are hanging out and offer your options to those places only. If you are designing an application for kids then you need not to post this thing on LinkedIn.

7.       Re-engage your users:

When you have reached your potential customers successfully, then tell them about your products again and again and provide them with each and every update that you make with your services. This will be your opportunity to build a strong relationship with them. Get started with a Thank you mail and then keep on updating with your progress, services and any other change that you have brought to your products and services.

8.       Provide a Press kit:

Do not rely on users only but make sure that you are providing bloggers with complete information so that they could write good enough about your products and services in case they are going to write anything about your services. So always place a link to PressKit including screenshots, logo, mockups, icon and a PDF presentation on your launch page.

Although, you can do various other things to design your launch page but the given 8 points will prove to be an amazing help for you to design a successful launch page to introduce to your readers. 

Author Bio: Macy Jones is working with AppXperts, a leading iPhone App Development Company in Sydney. She is a senior Mobile App Developer in the company. After working with the applications, she likes to write the same in her blogs. Also she is managing the official websites of the company. Catch her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter to know more about her accomplishments.


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