2015 is near the end, there are many things happening during the past year. In Internet world, there are big events happening every now and then. For example, the founding of Alphabet, the release of Surface Book etc. What unforgettable memories do you have in 2015? What do you think are the big Internet events in 2015?...

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Elon Musk is known as a person to change the world in Musk style. He is the owner of SpaceX and Tesla. What he is doing changes the world. At the same time, many other companies are get into the drone business which is considered another area for competition. Facebook, Amazon are big players of drone. Will Elon Musk get into this business someday? What will he do to revolutionize drone business if he enters this area?...

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Silicon Valley has become a hotspot where IT startups gather. There are many products created which changed people's life. Many people are thinking whether the model of Silicon Valley can be reproduced. There are many guesses about where the next Silicon Valley will be? Some say it may be Beijing as it has many talented and enthusiastic IT professional; some say it may be Singapore as it has appealing policies and government support. What do you think the next Silicon Valley should have? Which p...

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According to ITWorld, IBM is going to layoff 26% of its employees globally starting from next week until end of February. If it's true, this will be the biggest job cuts in the history? Will this be true? What does it mean to IBM? Is IBM going on a wrong road? Share your thoughts. What suggestions do you have?Ref link :

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Since Steve Ballmer announced his retirement plan last year, the discussion on the new CEO candidate has been around the Internet. But until now, the new CEO is still not finalized. Let's take a guess whether Microsoft share price will soar or drop when the new CEO is selected? Where will Microsoft head to under the management of the new CEO? Whom do you prefer to be the new CEO?...

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IBM has over 100 year's history and it faced many tough challenges along the way but every time it came back successfully. This time its revenue dropped 6 quarters consecutively, with the popularity of cloud computing and big data, IBM seems lag behind and is heavily hit by the storm. Its current technologies are only suitable for serving traditional companies 15 years ago but not companies now. Can IBM go though this challenge and come back again? What suggestions do you have for IBM?...

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Social network service is moving from desktop to mobile. Facebook will lose its platform advantages including messaging, photos etc comparing to those fast growing social mobile apps. Are we ready for a post-Facebook era? Which platform can be considered as the next big social networking platform?...

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Facebook sent a mail to some media about a press event to be held on 20 June. But they don't mention about what the press event is about. After that, some news says it may be about one Facebook RSS reader which is to replace Google Reader; one other saying is that Instagram may launch short video sharing function. What surprise will Facebook bring us? Which product do you prefer? RSS reader or short video sharing? Or other product?...

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