Many times when we check the documentation of a project, we can see some screenshots about how the product works. Frequently, we can find the screenshots are captured using Apple computer. Why do people like using Apple to do demo or programming? Is it better to use Apple for programming? Or is it just for cool?...

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In a program, we want to print out "Hello world" 10 times.Some solutions are we can directly write printf("Hello world") 10 times, or we may use a loop to save some typing, or we may use some functions provided by some language libraries. Can you give us your solution to how to print "Hello world" 10 times? You can choose any language, any trick method with your creativity....

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We usually do all sorts of things at our desks. We may think, socialize and sit at our desks.But are these things we are suppose to do at our desks? Nobody does their best thinking sitting at their desk.Your desk is for executing; do your thinking elsewhere.What should be done at our desks and what should not be done at our desk? ...

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Now Cloud is a very hot topic. Every one talks about cloud, cloud storage and cloud service. It seems every one has a definition of what cloud is. We know that cloud is an very abstract concept, we can not see it but we are using it. But do you really understand what cloud is? Does it only mean store something on the cloud and we can retrieve it freely anywhere? Hope you give us your understand about cloud and let others know more about cloud....

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Apple is expected to unveil its new iPhone -- iPhone 5 in San Francisco on 12 September. Many people are looking forward to seeing the new iPhone. What surprises will the new iPhone bring us? What are new features of iPhone 5? Will it have a larger touch screen than its previous version?...

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Facebook, Google and Amazon are gaining greater success with the power of data.Traditional financial services, telecommunications and other companies also make full use of the data to enhance their business competitiveness. What's your opinion about value of big data?...

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Only in a generation's time, we witnessed the completion of the space station, exponential increase of computer's calculation speed and the huge Internet boom. In fact, the speed of technological development is so fast that our current lifestyle is perhaps outdated 10 years later. What will be the revolutionary technology going to change the world? Will be Augmented Reality, Quantum Teleportation or Artificial Intelligence?...

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Software patents have become increasingly controversial in technology circles, in part because of the rise of what are derisively called "patent trolls," and in part because of the mixed quality of the patents that the U.S. government has granted. Google's public policy director Pablo Chavez thought that the current patent system didn;t incent innovation and the patent wars are not helpful to consumers. What do you think about the current patent system? ...

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