Yahoo appoints its new CEO : Marissa Mayer. She is the 20th employee of Google. She is the first female engineer in Google. She is becoming one of the most prominent female leaders in business. She is Yahoo's fifth CEO in five years. Currently Yahoo is going through a tough time. What do you think Marissa Mayer will bring to Yahoo? Do you believe that the young CEO can get Yahoo out of trouble?...

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Digg website is sold for half a million US dollars. It was once worth 160 million US dollars. In 2006, it was one of the top 25 websites in US. It has over 7 million independent visitors monthly. But now, it is sold for a very low price. Are you sad for what happens to Digg? What are the reasons for such a low price? What mistakes did Digg make? ...

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Every day when you are in the office, you may do many things, like checking emails, making phone calls, writing codes or debugging or.... But do you still remember the first thing you usually do when you come to the office? You can share it with us....

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Currently, many CEOs think that technology is more important than market for a company. They think if you have technology, then you have potential to make great products and establish broad market. But just a few years ago, the situation was different, market was the first factor considered by a company. What's your opinion?...

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Nowadays, smartphones have been very popular mobile devices for our daily use. They provide us not only the phone capability but also many other capabilities such as game, video, camera and maps etc. We can use them play games, watch videos, take photos and of course make phone calls. What do you use your smartphone most for? Make phone calls? Play games? or something else?...

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Currently more and more websites and applications have beautiful interfaces which can attract many visitors. In contrast, because of the existence of many frameworks and other IDE tools, the role of programmer seems not so important now. As long as the designers can design well and learn some basic knowledge about a programming language and the relative frameworks and tools. They can build cool stuff. Are designers more welcomed than programmers now? What's your opinion? ...

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Programming is a boring job. We spend much time facing the computer while we are typing the codes. In order not to lose the ability to speak, we may often say something when we are programming, either to ourselves or to the computer. Do you remember what you like to say when you are programming?...

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Many tech companies embrace Open Source, such as Oracle and Microsoft. But at the same time, many people are suspicious of open source. They take the Android and iOS as examples. Android is open sourced while iOS is closed sourced, there are many virus, trojans and malicious programs on Android and almost all mobile developers who earn money are based on iOS. They think the platform which can make devellopers make money will be the final winner. What's your opinion? Will open source lose to clos...

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