There are many languages for Linux/Unix system administrators to choose, such as Shell,Ruby,Perl and Python. To improve the efficiency of system administration and ensure the security of a large Linux/UNIX system. What's your experience? What language should a Linux/UNIX system administrator learn?...

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Software, as Marc Andreesen said in his famous editorial, is becoming a larger and larger part of our daily lives. Given how important software is, then, you'd expect computer programmer - the task of developing and maintaining software - to be one of the highest-paid, most-wanted jobs. It isn't. Why not? Why don't programmers get enough respect? Are they just geeks or nerds? ...

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Microsoft unveiled Surface: PCs built to be the ultimate stage for Windows. Surface is designed to seamlessly transition between consumption and creation, without compromise. It delivers the power of amazing software with Windows and the feel of premium hardware in one exciting experience. Some people think it's a revolutionary product. Some people think Surface is just a mini-laptop without any new features. Will you buy the new PC? What's your reasons for buying it? Or What's your reasons for ...

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One array, excluding one number, all other numbers in the array appear in pair. How to find the position of the number which is not in pair. For example, an array of numbers ……102,102,2,2,44,44,99,23,23,11,11 ……. The number 99 is not in pair. One more question, if the paired numbers are not adjacent to each other, i.e. an array of [102,32,99,32,45,102,45,67,67,100,100], how do you find the position of 99? ...

2,039  1   

PHP is a very popular programming language used to design website. There are more than 20 million websites designed using PHP. It must have its advantages. Also PHP is not perfect, it has its limitations. Why is PHP so popular? What are the advantages of PHP? What are limitations of PHP?...

139,622  7   

The first program many of us write when we start to learn a new programming language is the "Hello world" program. Do you still remember which programming language did you use to write your first "Hello world" program?...

75,072  4   

It has been around 40 years since C was invented by Dennis Ritchie. Now C is still alive and is a very popular programming language. Although many new languages which they claimed very powerful, simple and user friendly emerged during these years, C still remains on the top. What are the reasons for its success? What's your understanding about C. What's C's future?...

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Today, the yearly Apple developer conference will attract attention from all over the world. This is the first WWDC after Steve Jobs left us. It means a lot to Apple as well as Tim Cook. This is the first WWDC held by Tim Cook. Steve Jobs brought us many amazing products to us. What surprise will Tim Cook bring to us. iOS6? iPhone 6? 3D Map? or new Mac? Will these products drive Apple to a new high point? What do you expect from this year's WWDC? What do you expect from the products Apple will r...

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