Recently, LinkedIn has leaked 6.5 million account passwords. A few months ago, a Chinese IT website CSDN leaked over 6 million user accounts. Worse for CSDN is that they stored the passwords as plain text format which can be easily cracked by hackers. Actually, many information leak accidents happened in the past. Information security is always a big concern for all of us. Do you have any idea on how we should keep our information secure? Do you think how secure is secure?...

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When we start to learn programming, we will firstly read some books about the language we learn. After getting some experience, we may again pick up some books which may enhance our understanding of the language. We believe that every one of us remembers some book names we have read. Definitely, there should be one book which is your favorite, it may becuase you like the structure of the book, you may like the humor of the author, you may be attracted by the examples in the book or you the autho...

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In past few days, Google acquired three companies, they are KikScore, Meebo and Quickoffice. In such a short period, Google have three acquisitions. Will it continue to acquire other companies in following days? What's the plan of Google? Will the war of Office applications between Google and Microsoft heat up?...

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As a programmer or developer, we can develop many excellent applications for our users. But many of us may be confused at the beginning what kind of developer we should be. Either we know all kinds of programming languages and develop applications for general use, for example, news website, or we want to be a domain expert who know very well in a specific technology field. What kind of developers do you want to be? What kinds of characteristic do you need to be either one of them? ...

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Microsoft announced Thursday that the next version of its browser, IE 10, will ship with the controversial “Do Not Track” feature turned on by default, a first among major browsers, creating a potential threat to online advertising giants.That includes one of Microsoft’s chief rivals — Google.The change could also threaten the still-nascent privacy standard, and prompt an ad industry revolt against it.Do Not Track doesn’t attempt to block cookies — instead...

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Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer once said that Linux was a cancer.But now Microsoft embraces Linux and makes it a weapon on Windows Azure to compete with other cloud computing competitors such as Amazon. What do you think about its change of attitude? Do they have to do so?...

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Only a few years ago, MySQL was the king of open source database, but with the rise of NoSQL, MySQL is in danger of losing to NoSQL in web applications. Now it's a trend for IT companies to migrate from MySQL to NoSQL. Will this happen or how soon will this happen? ...

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Today, the smartphone market is dominated by two platforms, iOS and Android. Microsoft’s struggles to broach that dominance with Windows Phone (and its own untold billions) shows just how difficult a challenge it can be. Now Facebook says they will get into smartphone market. Do we really need a Facebook phone?...

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