Every time when we open Twitter using web browser, we may see a different homepage background picture. Sometimes it's a night view of a city, sometimes it's a picture about some baseball players. How does Twitter determine which picture to show at a particular time? Any logic behind this? Or it's just a random algorithm?...

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10 years ago, social network was dominated by Friendster with 3 million users, Microsoft's IE had 95% market share, the total number of Internet users were less than 600 million(Less than number of users of Facebook now). 10 Years, 3652 days, 87648 hours, the whole Internet market has turned into another world. What do you still remember about the Internet 10 years ago? What were you playing on the Internet? What websites did you visit most?...

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Digg has redesigned its website recently. The new design is quite different from the previous design. From the news layout, log in to link submit. It seems everything on Digg has been changed. To be honest, I am lost in the new Digg, I cannot find what's going on with my new submissions, I don't know where the link categories go. What's your feeling about the new Digg? Do you like it? ...

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Chrome has overtaken IE as the No.1 web browser since May 2012. Now, Chrome is continuing growing. At the same time, Firefox is also very stable although it has small drop in market share. However, IE seems in big trouble. Do you think IE is dying? Will Microsoft give up IE? Will IE come back after Microsoft releases IE10?...

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Currently more and more websites and applications have beautiful interfaces which can attract many visitors. In contrast, because of the existence of many frameworks and other IDE tools, the role of programmer seems not so important now. As long as the designers can design well and learn some basic knowledge about a programming language and the relative frameworks and tools. They can build cool stuff. Are designers more welcomed than programmers now? What's your opinion? ...

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It's a controversial question whether web designers need programming knowledge. Usually, after finishing the web design, all the remaining work are left to programmers. This phenomenon is not only appearing in web development industry, it also appears in software and game development industry. What if designers also know how to program?...

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Pinterest now is the 3rd largest social network website in US. It still has a fast growth speed and it will definitely be a big competitor to other social companies such as Facebook and Google. Recently, some source says that eBay has interest in Pinterest. Do you think who should and may acquire Pinterest or will it grow to be a big power by itself?...

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Recently Yahoo launched its own browser Yahoo Axis. It aims to be a faster and smarter search browser. In addition, some source says that Facebook is going to acquire Opera. It will also go into web browser market. So do you think a new round of web browser war will begin among Google,Microsoft,Mozzila,Facebook and Yahoo and some others?...

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