Different programming are similar in helping people build staff work as people want them to. But they all have their own features which differentiate them from other programming languages. The language type may be different, for example Java is OOP, some may have different syntax. A programming motto usually can best describe the characteristic of the programming language. For example, "Write once Run everywhere" for Java.Do you know any other programming language motto?...

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The term full stack developer becomes popular since Facebook said they would like to hire full stack developers for their work. Full stack developers are developers who can do all layers of development including back end data model, business logic and front end user interface etc. This can avoid the communication problems among different developers. But this puts stringent requirements on the skills of a developer, also a full stack developer may not master all technologies which in some cases m...

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Many programmers have the habit of listening to music when they are coding. They believe this can keep them focus and avoid distractions from the outer environment. What music do you listen to while you are coding? Or you don't listen to music at all? Or will you do something else while you are coding?...

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This question is from Douglas Crockford. He askes the students to write a function that takes a binary function, and makes it callable with two invocations. Like :applyf(mul)(5)(6) == 30. Do you know how to write this function? ...

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In our day to day work. We may have many chances working on Linux/Unix systems. There are many things we may need to do, checking logs, navigating in directories, creating file or installing software. We may use many commands to complete the work, such as ls, mkdir, cd etc. What are your frequently used Linux commands in your daily work? ...

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There are always conflicts between developers and designers. The differences between the two sides of program development seem to often be at odds, even though we all know both team members are important to creating effective applications. Designers fume at seeing their designs implemented different from how they were originally laid out. Programmers gripe that designers nitpick over silly design issues. Why can't developers get along well with designers? What can we do to solve these conflicts?...

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Programming is a boring job. We spend much time facing the computer while we are typing the codes. In order not to lose the ability to speak, we may often say something when we are programming, either to ourselves or to the computer. Do you remember what you like to say when you are programming?...

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There are many languages for Linux/Unix system administrators to choose, such as Shell,Ruby,Perl and Python. To improve the efficiency of system administration and ensure the security of a large Linux/UNIX system. What's your experience? What language should a Linux/UNIX system administrator learn?...

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