Now how many people are still going to bookstore to buy books? How many people are still reading paper book? In mobile network era, we need to use less and less papers, we now record, share and receive information through digital devices. It seems we will not need paper anymore in the future. Is this a good thing for us? If we save data on the network instead of recording them on real paper, then after 200 years, if we delete all the data stored, how do people know lives about us now? What will ...

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Singles Day, an unofficial holiday in China, first celebrated in Chinese universities to commemorate the single life. It is usually celebrated on November 11th every year. Because each 1 in 1111 just looks like a single person. In China, this day is special for those who are still singles. But does this day have any relationship with e-commerce site promotion? Why do e-commerce sites have big discount for their products in this day? Is this just an excuse for them to attract customers?...

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In reality, not everyone can have the chance to change the world. We may live in the world designed by other people or groups of people. They may not be what we expect. But if giving you a chance to design the world, what will it be?...

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Facebook and Twitter are now the most famous social media for us to keep in touch with our friends or know new people. Many people use Facebook and Twitter every day, they have been part of our daily life. But what if Facebook and Twitter disappear tomorrow when you get up? How will you go through your day?...

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We usually do all sorts of things at our desks. We may think, socialize and sit at our desks.But are these things we are suppose to do at our desks? Nobody does their best thinking sitting at their desk.Your desk is for executing; do your thinking elsewhere.What should be done at our desks and what should not be done at our desk? ...

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Only in a generation's time, we witnessed the completion of the space station, exponential increase of computer's calculation speed and the huge Internet boom. In fact, the speed of technological development is so fast that our current lifestyle is perhaps outdated 10 years later. What will be the revolutionary technology going to change the world? Will be Augmented Reality, Quantum Teleportation or Artificial Intelligence?...

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Every day when you are in the office, you may do many things, like checking emails, making phone calls, writing codes or debugging or.... But do you still remember the first thing you usually do when you come to the office? You can share it with us....

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Today, the yearly Apple developer conference will attract attention from all over the world. This is the first WWDC after Steve Jobs left us. It means a lot to Apple as well as Tim Cook. This is the first WWDC held by Tim Cook. Steve Jobs brought us many amazing products to us. What surprise will Tim Cook bring to us. iOS6? iPhone 6? 3D Map? or new Mac? Will these products drive Apple to a new high point? What do you expect from this year's WWDC? What do you expect from the products Apple will r...

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