In just a few years, smartphones have become a necessary part of daily life. They changed our understanding about phone. Traditionally, phone is mainly used for making phone calls and sending text messages, they provide a convenient way for us to communicate with others. But now, more and more functions are integrated into our phones, especially with the popularity of smartphones. We can use phones to do many many other things. Do we still use phone as a tool just for phone calls? Is phone still...

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Apple is expected to unveil its new iPhone -- iPhone 5 in San Francisco on 12 September. Many people are looking forward to seeing the new iPhone. What surprises will the new iPhone bring us? What are new features of iPhone 5? Will it have a larger touch screen than its previous version?...

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Some source says Apple's iPhone 5 will be released in September.This means that consumers only need to wait one more month to see what Apple has planned for the future of smart phones. In the past few months, people have heard a lot about the next generation iPhone. Will iPhone 5 have bigger screen? Will iPhone 5 use NFC technology? Is there a new design? What are your expectations from iPhone 5?...

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Firefox OS is an open source operating system in development by Mozilla that aims to support HTML5 apps written using "open Web" technologies rather than platform-specific native APIs. The idea is essentially to have all user-accessible software running on the phone be a Web app that uses advanced HTML5 techniques and device APIs to access the phone's hardware directly via JavaScript. Firefox OS is set to hit the market in 2013 in Latin America and could be available in other places later. What ...

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Nowadays, smartphones have been very popular mobile devices for our daily use. They provide us not only the phone capability but also many other capabilities such as game, video, camera and maps etc. We can use them play games, watch videos, take photos and of course make phone calls. What do you use your smartphone most for? Make phone calls? Play games? or something else?...

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Today, the smartphone market is dominated by two platforms, iOS and Android. Microsoft’s struggles to broach that dominance with Windows Phone (and its own untold billions) shows just how difficult a challenge it can be. Now Facebook says they will get into smartphone market. Do we really need a Facebook phone?...

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