Yahoo appoints its new CEO : Marissa Mayer. She is the 20th employee of Google. She is the first female engineer in Google. She is becoming one of the most prominent female leaders in business. She is Yahoo's fifth CEO in five years. Currently Yahoo is going through a tough time. What do you think Marissa Mayer will bring to Yahoo? Do you believe that the young CEO can get Yahoo out of trouble?...

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Digg website is sold for half a million US dollars. It was once worth 160 million US dollars. In 2006, it was one of the top 25 websites in US. It has over 7 million independent visitors monthly. But now, it is sold for a very low price. Are you sad for what happens to Digg? What are the reasons for such a low price? What mistakes did Digg make? ...

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Currently, many CEOs think that technology is more important than market for a company. They think if you have technology, then you have potential to make great products and establish broad market. But just a few years ago, the situation was different, market was the first factor considered by a company. What's your opinion?...

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In past few days, Google acquired three companies, they are KikScore, Meebo and Quickoffice. In such a short period, Google have three acquisitions. Will it continue to acquire other companies in following days? What's the plan of Google? Will the war of Office applications between Google and Microsoft heat up?...

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Facebook will be on Nasdaq today. Facebook's IPO will raise $16 billion, making it the largest tech IPO in history. It's the third largest U.S. IPO ever. But many people think it's overvalued. What is your opinion?...

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