Samsung released Samsung Galaxy S4 today. It introduces many new features such as new eye tracking software which will automatically pause your video when you look away from the phone etc. So what are the differences between S3 and S4? Mainly in functional or in physical configuration?...

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Google says on its official blog that they will shut down Google Reader on 1st July, 2013. The reason is because its utilization is declining. Do you think this reason is convincible? How do you think about Google shuts down Google Reader? What are the alternatives for Google Reader?...

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In China, people are escaping from Renren which is China's Facebook. Nowadays people are logging into Renren less frequently. This can be seen from many places, my friends and I are not using it so frequently, people only share others content, they rarely write their own stories. Also its ranking is dropping. We are not sure about whether this is happening to Facebook as well. Are you still using Facebook everyday? If not, why? Why do you think people are escaping from them?...

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Recently Yahoo started to prohibit employees working from home. This seems to attract many discussions. Many people say this is against the trend of Silicon Valley and it's touching an invisible welfare of employees. Some people agree with this policy since it can improve the work efficiency. So what's the situation in your company? How to you think about working from home? Which one is more efficient, work from home or work in the office?...

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Apple is lacking of innovation on iOS for past year. iOS and Android have their own advantages and disadvantages. What should iOS learn from Android? What features on Android can be migrated to iOS? ...

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The third largest city behind New York and Los Angeles in United States--Chicago is open source now. You can now find all the data of this city on GitHub including street center lines, building footprints and pedway routes etc. It seems open source is not existing in IT field but also in other fields, what do you think about it? Do you think Chicago should be open sourced? Will it bring risks to the security of the city?...

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This question is from Douglas Crockford. He askes the students to write a function that takes a binary function, and makes it callable with two invocations. Like :applyf(mul)(5)(6) == 30. Do you know how to write this function? ...

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How to ask questions in open source community, When using software products, people will have problems now and then. For commercial products, you can contact customer service for assistance. For the company's own research and development products, you can directly consult expert colleagues. But for the open-source software, how to timely and effectively seek help when encountering problems? ...

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