Why is flat design so popular?

On this year's WWDC, Apple announced a new iOS-iOS 7. One important new change of this OS is that it adopts flat design for all its application icons. Also, Yahoo recently released a new framework named Pure which helps developers do flat design easily. Flat design seems to be a trend now. Do you have anything to say about the flat design? Why is it so popular? Will we be tired of it in sometime?



Why is it so popular:Today showy things are all over the world,So only if this,flat design is so popular,in a word people are tired about showy design.

But in my oppinion,just color full with a block like nokia's icon,that's the most beautiful flat design.As for that informative icons,flat design is not siut them,so flat is not common right. so,i dont agree with "Flat design seems to be a trend now",It's just a one-sided statement.

The things which are adopt euphemistically will not be the originalist initial

  REPLY  Posted by at 2013-07-01 23:46:30


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