Will computer be smarter than humans?

Google’s director of engineering Ray Kurzweil recently claimed that by 2029 computers would be able to understand our language, learn from experience and outsmart even the most intelligent humans. We could see many these scene in movies that smart robot which can do many things humans can do. Do you believe that one day computers will be smarter than humans who create them? What will it happen if computers are smarter than humans?



    It might not be possible I think. After all , computers are designed by human beings , including their every program and component . If computers were smarter than human beings , the whole world will be out of control . So , there must be some shortcomings in the computers that engineers will control them . 

    But on the other hand , with the development of technology , everything could be possible . So , let's just see what will happen in the future!

  REPLY  Posted by at 2014-02-26 07:55:44


    Well, I compare it as a question which can be asked by those damas who are over-excited about the movies of robot, obviously it's impossible (forgive me because there're always something in the world must to draw a conclusion, people call them "The Truth")

    Just as the 1st's said, there must be some shortcomings in the computers that engineers will control them, they are just the cold metal that dircted by our human beings,and they have no thoughts(Never tell me you consider the code will give them thoughts, if it's true, then it's no doubt that humanbeings are on the road of death, but fortunately our humanbeings are not smater like taht )

    In short, if computers are smarter than humans, then we become the word : ROBOT

  REPLY  Posted by at 2014-03-29 05:30:29


Just one word. Impossible. I want to ask who invent computer?

  REPLY  Posted by at 2014-10-31 03:21:12


I think that it will happen. At least computer will be smarter than someone on something.

  REPLY  Posted by at 2014-03-21 23:23:07


I don't think so !!!

  REPLY  Posted by at 2014-03-03 09:51:56


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