Why does Swift get so much public attention?

In this year's Apple WWDC, Apple released its new programming language which is to replace Objective-C -- Swift. This language is intended to ease developer's work. Unlike other languages, Swift got lots of public attention since its release, even some media which are not focusing on technology put some comments about it. Do you think why Swift gets so much public attention? How do you think about Swift?



Firstly, because Swift was released on WWDC, an event attracts eyeballs from Apple fans from all around the world. People are curious about the new language released on such an important event, they want to know what this language is so important to Apple.

Secondly, Swift is borned to replace another programming language used by Apple deveopers -- Objective-C. This new language has many new features which ease developer's work. It combines many features from other popular langueges like Python and JavaScript. Since it's the language to replace Objective-C, people may want to know why it has such an important role.


  REPLY  Posted by at 2014-06-07 09:58:04


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