
长期以来,REST是构建API的唯一“标准”。它取代了混乱的“太多XML”的SOAP。但是近年来,出现了新的替代品。2015 年,Facebook 向公众发布了GraphQL,而 2016 年,Google 推出了gRPC。本文将重点介绍 gRPC,并与仍广泛使用的 REST 进行比较。概述以下表格将为您提供讨论点的概述,并显示 REST 和 gRPC 的优劣之处。主题RESTgRPC标准化没有标准定义明确范式基于资源RPC服务模式仅一元一元、客户端流、服务器流和双向流要求任何HTTP版本、JSON解析器HTTP/2...


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  Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor - Codelobster IDE

In this article, we suggest you to get acquainted with the free editor of web languages - Codelobster IDE. It is presented on the software market for a long time already, and it wins a lot of fans.Codelobster IDE allows you to edit PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, it highlights the syntax and gives hints for tags, functions and their parameters. This editor easily deals with those files that contain a mixed content.If you insert PHP code in your HTML template, then the editor correctly highlights both HTML tags and PHP functions. The same applies to CSS and JavaScript code, which is contai...


  The Web: Important Events in its History

Straight forward simple fact of the functioning evening: The netting is normally not the same element as appearing the world vast world wide web. Brain damaged, correct?Related to the Included Press Stylebook, the “Net is normally a decentralized, world-wide web 2 . 0 of pcs that may talk with every solo diverse. The Environment Huge World wide web, like announcements, is usually normally a subset of the World wide web.”If the web is not really the internet, then what is it? The community huge internet, in collection with the Associated Press Stylebook, is obviously a “assist...

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  How VR technologies take over the world

Virtual Reality (VR) literally may get it beneficial to experience anything, anywhere, anytime. It is normally the several immersive type of legitimate fact technology and can convince the real real human human brain that it is usually normally someplace it can get absolutely critically not really seriously. Brain installed displays happen to be used with earphones and hands controllers to offer a entirely immersive arrive across. With the major technology businesses on whole world community (Facebook, Yahoo, and Microsoft) nowadays spending great of us dollars into electrical straightforward ...

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This post is about an experience of mine on fixing a HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error seen on one of my page.Just got back from a business trip and opened my computer as usual to start to monitor my website statistics. But when I opened the page on showing real time page views, it shows nothing but zero. So I pressed F12 to bring up the developer tool to check on what's going on. The logic of loading the real time page view is backed by AJAX call. In the developer tool console, I see that the rAJAX request gets HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error. And in the network tab, see similar result.This confuse...