The details and analysis of capturing gRPC packets

IntroductionIf you're only using gRPC at the application layer, I believe studying the examples on the gRPC official website is sufficient. However, when planning to extensively use gRPC within a team, you will face many challenges, such as authentication schemes between services, routing solutions for multi-region services, and compatibility solutions with existing RESTful services.I recently realized that applying a technology stack requires mastering a wealth of information about that stack to ensure its stability in production use. This article starts with the most basic packet capturing a...

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长期以来,REST是构建API的唯一“标准”。它取代了混乱的“太多XML”的SOAP。但是近年来,出现了新的替代品。2015 年,Facebook 向公众发布了GraphQL,而 2016 年,Google 推出了gRPC。本文将重点介绍 gRPC,并与仍广泛使用的 REST 进行比较。概述以下表格将为您提供讨论点的概述,并显示 REST 和 gRPC 的优劣之处。主题RESTgRPC标准化没有标准定义明确范式基于资源RPC服务模式仅一元一元、客户端流、服务器流和双向流要求任何HTTP版本、JSON解析器HTTP/2...


  How to do pprof for gRPC service

gRPC is a RPC framework based on HTTP and is frequently used for communications among micro service inside the same organization network. However,  the service functions cannot be accessed via normal HTTP URL as it's not a WEB framework. In this case, how to do pprof on a gRPC service?The trick is starting a HTTP server asynchronously while starting the gRPC service. This HTTP server can be accessed to run prrof debug.go func(){ http.ListenAndServe(":10001", nil)}()Since it uses the default ServerMux, the pprof related routes will be registered automatically after importing the package&nb...

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