Many Chinese applicants to US universities may be affected by Gmail cut out

Just after Christmas, many Chinese found that they could not connect to Gmail anymore in mainland China. Since Google announced leaving from China in 2010, the web version of Gmail was not accessible anymore. But people from China could still access Gmail through some Gmap apps. This time, Gmail is not accessible even with these apps.It is said that all the mail service protocols of Gmail including IMAP/POP/SMTP have been cut out by Chinese government. This means no mails can be sent to or received from Gmail servers. This cut out has a big impact on Chinese users since many Chinese use it as ...


  Enterprise Mobility Solution From A DreamFactory of Software to Accelerate Customer Experience

Today the conventional model that suppliers follow i.e. the make, sell and ship process is no longer enough to keep your customers happy and satisfied. The landscapes have evolved such that, manufacturers not only have to continue making the best quality products but also be in complete sync with the new age  customer requirements, encourage customer involvement and henceforth achieve the best products. This can be achieved by using the emerging mobile technology to deliver improved customer services and derive high value. Enterprise Mobility can help companies connect with customers, und...


  Jack Ma's interviews during Alibaba's IPO at NYSE

Alibaba has been listed on NYSE on 19 September. It becomes the largest IPO ever in the history of US stock exchange, larger than Facebook then the largest one. And after the trading closed on Friday, its share price closed at $93.89 per share, this makes it the second largest Internet company in the world following Google.Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, also becomes the richest person in China with a total wealth of $18.1 billion. He accepted interviews from different media during the IPO. Let's see what he has said post the IPO of Alibaba.The first one is from Fox Business, Jack Ma shared h...


  Alibaba IPO Live

Alibaba is going to launch its IPO at NYSE on 19th September. This will be the largest IPO in the history of US stock exchange. The opening price of Alibaba share will be $68 and its trade code is "BABA", in Chinese it means father.Alibaba is expected to get around $22 billion investment in its IPO. Want to witness this historic moment? Please join us for the live video from NYSE.Note this live stream is broadcasted with Chinese. We don't find the English source yet. We believe something is better than nothing. Bear with us.For the LIVE blog, you can go to The New York Times.Just like Alibaba ...


  CRM Approach - A Well Planed Business Strategy Not a Mere Technology

Customer relationship management (CRM) has transitioned and evolved over the last few years.  Its adoption is powered by the rapid growth and popularity of SaaS tools. Too many companies have adopted CRM in order to cater to customers in a better manner and hence build loyalty. However, often implementing CRM does not yield the results as expected. CRM policies turn out to be ineffectual. This happens because, organizations over emphasize on CRM as a technology and undermine its importance as a business strategy. The key is to view CRM as a strategy, and not as a technology. Challenges of...


  The 9 lines of code of Google

Are you still remembering the then hot debated news about Oracle suing Google allegedly copying a small portion of codes from Oracle's Java in 2010. At that time, Oracle experts estimated that Google owes Oracle between $1.4 billion and $6 billion in damages if liable. But the court thought Oracle was eligible only for statutory damages for that copying, which were not expected to exceed a few hundred thousand dollars. At last, Oracle agreed the zero damage result.Are you curious about which portion of codes Oracle claimed were stolen? Actually, it's only a really small portion of it, aro...


  C++ and Java over Python in Google products

In Google, most of the products are written in C++ and Java. They usually don't choose Python to write their product stack. What's behind the decision to choose one language over the other in Google? Let's get to read some opinions from Robert Love, a Google software engineer.Love said he couldn't imagine writing let alone maintaining a large software stack in Python. They use C++, Go, and Java for production software systems, with Python employed for scripting, testing, and tooling.There are a bunch of reasons for the primacy of C++ and Java:Familiarity. Early Googlers were well-versed in C++...

17,457 2       JAVA GOOGLE PYTHON

  Will Weibo's IPO be a success?

The Chinese version of Twitter -- Weibo is going to launch its IPO today on NASDAQ. The stock code is "WB" and its target price per share is set to $17. The total funds it's going to raise is around $328.44 million. Weibo claims it's the first Chinese SNS media to be listed on NASDAQ. Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse are the joint lead underwriter of the IPO. They have gained one option from Weibo for validity of 30 days to buy 2.52 million shares of ADS. One interesting thing is Goldman Sachs is also the lead underwriter of Twitter's IPO.This is the fifth year since Sina launched Weibo service...

3,427 0       NASDAQ IPO WEIBO