10 advice from Jack Ma on success

Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of the biggest e-commerce website in China, started his business with $20,000 that his wife and friends helped him raise. He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes. He is the richest man in mainland China with net worth of $22.5 billion. During these years of running Alibaba Group, Jack Ma summarized 10 advice for success, these advice are coming from his experience and mistakes he made. These ten advice are :1. Get used to rejection2. Keep your dream alive 3. Focus on culture4. Ign...


  Many Chinese applicants to US universities may be affected by Gmail cut out

Just after Christmas, many Chinese found that they could not connect to Gmail anymore in mainland China. Since Google announced leaving from China in 2010, the web version of Gmail was not accessible anymore. But people from China could still access Gmail through some Gmap apps. This time, Gmail is not accessible even with these apps.It is said that all the mail service protocols of Gmail including IMAP/POP/SMTP have been cut out by Chinese government. This means no mails can be sent to or received from Gmail servers. This cut out has a big impact on Chinese users since many Chinese use it as ...


  2 million iPhone 5 sold in China in 3 days

Apple announces that since it was available in China from last Friday, iPhone 5 has been sold over 2 million units in 3 days.iPhone 5 was available for sale in China starting from 14th Dec, the price is 5288RMB and up, there are two cooperated vendors in China : China Telecom and China Unicom. They start sell iPhone 5 on their own sales channels, moreover Apple starts selling iPhone in their own Apple Store and official website.According to Tim Cook, because of the high demand of Apple products in China, this sale record created a new sales record in Chinese market. And the Chinese market is v...

3,870 0       IPHONE 5 CHINA SALE