Lessons Learned About Documentation

Here at Kendo UI, we have always encouraged you to give us feedback.  Whether it’s through our forums, or the Kendo UI User Voice site, what you think is important to us.  We take your thoughts very seriously.  We receive a lot of feature requests, enhancement requests and other various pieces of product feedback. One of the things that we heard loud and clear from our users was that our documentation could be better.  We took a good look at what we had, and we agree.  It can and should be better. Nothing is more important to you as a developer than to have the ...


  Perl Documentation in Terms of Tasks

The core Perl community—if you care to draw lines around a group ofpeople who use Perl seriously and call that a community—is like manyother core F/OSS communities. Real work happens on mailing lists and IRC. Iunsubscribed from several mailing lists and deliberately spent as little timeon IRC as possible this year, for various uninteresting reasons. (I haven'teven made it to the Portland Perl Mongersmeetings for several months.)While that's been good for my productivity, it's also produced aninteresting s...