Proximity Cards Do More Than Just Open Doors

Credit: Susanne Plank via PexelsLocksmiths from centuries ago couldn’t have possibly imagined opening a door by tapping a card roughly the size of a credit card. Back then, security depended on physical locks, not sealed antennas made from coiled wire, integrated circuits, and capacitors.Today, proximity cards are a popular form of keycard used in hotels, government buildings, healthcare facilities, and many more places. They open doors for people with authorized access, but they also do a lot more.Please keep reading to learn about the other benefits of proximity cards.Access Controlled...

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  Erlang Style Concurrency

Introduction On an evolutionary scale of innovation from one to ten (one being Bloomberg and Citi Group, eight being Google and Cirque Du Soleil, and ten being the company you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams), the company I work for is about a three1. Being employed by this bastion of ingenuity affords me certain opportunities I can't get elsewhere. For example, every developer gets to interview potential candidates he might end up working with. During our last round of these int...