Java 9 release is delayed again

The original Java 9 planned release date is March 2017. But latest source shows that Java 9 release will be delayed again to July 2017. It's four months later than the planned date.Oracle Chief Architect of Java Platform group Mark Reinhold proposes this new release date in a message sent on the OpenJDK mailing list. Despite this progress, at this point it's clear that Jigsaw needs moretime. We recently received critical feedback that motivated a redesignof the module system's package-export feature [5], without which we'dhave failed to achieve one of our main goals. Ther...


  Different module types in Java 9

Java 9 is going to introduce a disruptive change to the Java platform -- Module System. The module system will change how Java applications work in the future. It's like changing the foundation of a house without impacting the house functionality and its top level structure. This obviously is a big challenge for the whole Java community. To bring as little pain as possible to migrate existing applications to Java 9 without refactoring the whole application, Java 9 will introduce a few different module types. In following sections, these different module types will be covered.But before co...


  New features in Java 9

Java 9 is planned to be released in March 2017. It will be 3 years since Java 8 was released. Are you still excited about the new features introduced in Java 8 such as Lambda, new Date APIs etc? Now Java 9 is to be released and there are also quite a few fantastic new features to be introduced.Below is a list of major new features in Java 9.Modular system. Java 9 will introduce a brand new modular system to organize Java codes. The modular system will divide different packages into different modules to ensure reliable configuration and strong encapsulation. With this, you only need to shi...

17,524 4       JAVA NEW FEATURE JAVA 9

  Introduction to DTLS(Datagram Transport Layer Security)

Secure communication has become a vital requirement on the Internet. Lots of information transferred through the Internet are sensitive data such as financial transactions, medical information, media streaming etc. To ensure security of data transferred on the Internet, a few secure protocols have been designed including SSL/TLS and IPsec. Many large websites in the world have adopted TLS. Apart from SSL/TLS, there is some other protocol designed to be used in special cases. One of them is the DTLS -- Datagram Transport Layer Security protocol.What is DTLSDTLS is a secure data transfer pr...

16,555 0       SECURITY JAVA 9 DTLS TLS

  JShell -- The command line tool to run Java code in Java 9

Java 9 is currently a work-in-progress and is planned to be GAed in March 2017. Quite a few new features will be introduced in the new release. The coolest feature is project Jigsaw which is to modularize the Java packages so that a customized JDK can be built and shipped with only the necessary modules to fulfill their project requirement. Apart from this feature, another big new feature is project Kulla -- JShell.In simple, JShell is a command line tool which can be used to run Java code snippet without wrapping them into classes. It is similar to tools for other languages suc...

24,632 8       JAVA 9 JSHELL KULLA