Learn how to tell a story before building your own start-ups

Imagine one day you become a successful start-up founder like Mark Zuckerberg, then somebody will come and find you and want to shoot a movie for you with your start-up story. If you are not successful yet, then this story should be written by yourself. For start-up founders, learn how to tell a story will not only promote yourself among investors, users and medias but also can create a macro development plan for your start-ups by explaining various unexpected things will happen.Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats has compiled The 22 rules of storytelling  she's received working for the an...

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  Top 8 website operation laws

As a website operator, in addition to have some necessary professional knowledge to master a website, such as prototype planning, interaction design, SEO, as well as basic html code, you should also know more about some of the theories which are good for site operations to ensure that the site can be long-term, stable.1. Law of 250Girard thinks every person knows at least 250 people. If you win the goodwill of a customer, it means you win the goodwill of 250 individuals; Conversely, if you offend a customer, it means you offend 250 customers.For your website, a visitor might be able to bring a...


  Unix Philosophy

First, let me tell two stories.The first one is one Japan soap factory had a problem that they sometimes shipped empty boxes to the customer without soap inside. So they spend much time and money to invent a X-ray machine to check whether the soap box is empty.The same thing happens in a small factory which doesn't have too much money. The solution of them to solve this problem is they use a desk fan to blow the empty boxes out of the belt and into a bin.The second story is NASA finds that in space with 0 gravity, astronauts cannot use pen to write. So they spend much money on developing a pen...


  PopCap’s 10 rules for commercial failure in mobile games development

PopCap, the company behind social gaming hits as Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled, has a way of doing presentations at conferences. Last year’s Social Gaming Summit presentation was insightful in the sense that developers were advised to postpone trying to make money from their game until there is some serious traction.At yesterday’s London Games Conference, PopCap’s presentation was equally remarkable. During a brief presentation David Bishop (Senior Game Designer) presented the mobile development community with 10 rules that would ensure commercial failure in mobile game...


  11 Important Database designing rules

IntroductionBefore you start reading this article let me confirm that I am not a guru in database designing. The below 11 points which are listed are points which I have learnt via projects, my own experiences and my own reading. I personally think it has helped me a lot when it comes to DB designing. Any criticism welcome.The reason why I am writing a full blown article is, when developers sit for designing a database they tend to follow the three normal forms like a silver bullet. They tend to think normalization is the only way of designing. Due this mind set they sometimes hit road blocks ...


  Stuff Everyone Should Do (part 2): Coding Standards

Another thing that we did at Google that I thought was surprisingly effective and useful was strict coding standards. Before my time at Google, I was sure that coding standards were pointless. I had absolutely no doubt that they were the kind of thing that petty bureaucrats waste time writing and then use to hassle people who are actually productive. I was seriously wrong. At Google, I could look at any piece of code, anywhere in Google's codebase, and I could read it. The fact that I was allowed to do that was pretty unusual in itself. But what was surprising to me was just how much the sta...